Database Tools PHP scripts - Top 4 Download

Database Tools PHP script downloads

PHP Mp3 DB Tool

PHP Mp3 DB Tool is a simplistic program to convert an ASCII file (obtained from an mp3 collector or similar program) to MySQL format, insert it in database and run reports from a web based engine. It supports streaming of single mp3s and full albums. ...


MySQLDataManagement provides you a set of php scripts to manage your data for selected database. All your tables will be shown you for data management on them. MySQLDataManagement is intended to add / edit / delete / list records on selected table - DB . ...

mediaCat GTK

mediaCat-GTK is a cross-platform GUI database frontend designed to allow you to index and search your mp3, dvd, and cd collections. It is written using the new PHP-GTK language bind and currently supports connections to mySQL and any other database supported. ...


phpcocktails is a PHP tool to help you to manage your favorite cocktail / cocktails (ingredients, composition, images...). It allows you to query a database in order to make the desired cocktail. ...


NemoDB is the Php class which provide simple, quasi relational database. Features: - tables can store text, images etc. - automatic column value compression and decomp.; - sequences, DBA account, stored procedures; ...


Timeout errors when backing up and restoring large SQL-dumps? dbSQLBackup intents to work under extreme conditions like heavy server-load, a small execution time for PHP scripts and PHP environments working in safe mode. Not using server-side apps! ...


cdmp3db is a web interface written in PHP to manage a collection of MP3 cd's. It's designed for Linux or any UNIX system which supports Apache PHP MySQL. ...


fSQL for PHP offers some functions to easily use mysql querys. It works with twodimensional associative arrays (Columns and Rows). The sourcecode is quite self-explanatory. There are functions for connect, close, select, insert, delete and update. ...

OracleEditor php

OracleEditor.php is a standalone PHP script which allows you to browse your Oracle database tables and insert, update, and delete rows in any table. It requires no installation and no configuration. Features: - Connects to any Oracle database (local databases, aliases from tnsnames.ora, or complete connection strings) - Lists all ...


WaterFlea is a MySQL database maintenance tool written in PHP. It provides a user-friendly front-end web-interface for easy database updating and maintenance. WaterFlea is easily deployable with MySQL databases. ...


MOLE (Make Our Life Easy) php code generator for mysql web based applications. It provides plugin support(listgen,formgen), customizable templates, simple code no class,easy to use interface. (Similar to phpcodeGenie). ...


Jedi is a modular, class-based PHP program which manages basic EDI transactions using FTP. It is web-based, using a Smarty template interface and relies on ADODB database abstraction so it works with any major database and can be skinned as you please. ...

VMPS Server Interface System

The VMPS Server Interface System (VSIS), also know as VMPS Registration and Management Server, is a simple web based interface to manage the nightmarish files for the Cisco VMPS Service. Essentially, its a database that gets exported to a text file, that's it. So, yes, essentially there are about 11 different ...


Mywwwatcher is web-based browser of MySQL database (similar to well known PHPMyAdmin) writen in PHP.It should be used in those hosts where the command line MySQL client is not accessible (e.g. on webhostings sites). Currently it provides database table browsing, query entering, data editing over the WWW. It is a replacement ...


Hornet is a tool to browse and build MySQL databases, with the ability to connect to remote servers. It intends in the future to provide the capability to generate PHP-based interfaces to MySQL databases. ...


meBiblio is a bibliografic tool to keep the pace with the growing number of articles and references of literature you gather. What does meBiblio do? - Let's you store informations about scientific articles - Helps you storing in a safe place, the PDF (or other) file of the article. ...


If you don't have access to a database but you do have access to PHP, and you want your web data stored in a database, then this is what you're looking for! Full sql compatibility is planned as well as a perl port. ...


adminMySybase is a tool written in PHP for the administration of SyBase over the Web. Currently it can show/drop tables, browse columns ,execute querys and has a nice SQL query autocompletion. ...


txtSQL (pronounced "text-sequel") is a class containing a variety of functions designed to mimic a database system, using only regular text files. Running on the PHP language, it is object-oriented and can be looked at as sort of a framework in creating larger scripts (such as guestbooks, polls, forums etc.) There ...


YODA is a PHP built, web-based database tool aimed at users, to allow them to view Oracle objects. Currently it can create/drop/alter tables/view/index/package/function/procedure/trigger/sequence, manage data in table and export to SQL/LaTeX/HTML/ExcelCSV/CSV/XML. ...