Text Tools scripts - Top 4 Download

Text Tools script downloads


This script searches for font files and sorts them into folders by name.Fontlinge will: - find your fonts - rename files, i.e. from 'AGARBI.TTF' to 'Adobe_Garamond_Bold_Italic.ttf' - create a folder-structure - move the files to the right place - find and removes duplicate files - reunion postscript ...

Finding and Replacing Nemo

On each keystroke, all matches of the given text are highlighted, and the corresponding replacements are performed. Parts of the regular expression can be selected to make their scope appear in the original text. ...

Php Syntax Highlighter script

This php script converts your php code into a syntax colored html text.Just copy your original code and it generates the html code for you and displays a preview from it. ...

Yet Another Python Templating Utility YAPTU

"Templating" (copying an input file to output, on the fly inserting Python expressions and statements) is a frequent need, and YAPTU is a small but complete Python module for that; expressions and statements are identified by arbitrary user-chosen regular-rexpressions. ...

Retrieving a line at random from a file

This procedure reads through a file of unknown size once, returning a random line from the file. ...

Doctester for your documentation

The doctester extracts code from stdin and tests it using the doctest module in the standard library. It can be invoked from the command line, but it is best called from you editor of choice. ...

LaTeX codec

This script is a codec for converting unicodes to LaTeX markup and vice versa. ...

Good enough templating

This script allows you to try a small, powerful templating language using template strings embedded in standard Python syntax. Templates are valid Python source, compiled directly to bytecode. Variable substitution is performed using 'string.Template'. ...

Accessing Substrings

This script is useful when you want to access portions of a string. For example, you've read a fixed-width record and want to extract the fields. ...

Record Jar Parser

This script presents you a method to parse a file like object containing data in the record jar format. ...

Expanding and Compressing Tabs

This script is useful when you want to convert tabs in a string to the appropriate number of spaces, or vice versa. ...

Reversing a String by Words or Characters

Reversing a String by Words or Characters script allows you to reverse the characters or words of a string. ...

OpenOffice to xml and or text

This script converts OpenOffice documents to XML and text. It is useful when you want to index the contents of your documents written with OpenOffice. ...