Text Management scripts - Top 4 Download

Text Management script downloads

Convert DB Fixed Width Output to CSV Format

This program takes an input of a fixed width database output file with a header names, dashes, and data and converts it into CSV data. The code assumes that the dashes represent the fixed-column widths. For simplicity, all quotes are removed from data and all columns are wrapped with quotes. ...

Convert string to hex

Convert string to hex script converts each char to hex representation and back. ...


PDML is an informal markup language written in 100% PHP, allowing to create complex PDF documents very easily for people already familiar with HTML. It allows for the creation of complex PDF documents and can also be used in conjunction with PHP, to define templates which can generate dynamic PDF documents. ...

Php Pdf Factory

Php Pdf Factory is a PDFLib that allows you to freely create PDF using PHP. It has administrative interface and iImplements most iImplemenrecommended features mmended features like PageTrees, On. ...


Less is a pager. A pager is a program that displays text files. Other pagers commonly in use are more and pg. Pagers are often used in command-line environments like the Unix shell and the MS-DOS command prompt to display files. Windowed environments like the Windows and Macintosh desktops don't need ...

Unicode Conversion Gateway

Unicode Conversion Gateway is a web-based proxy server to convert some of the Indian language web pages encoded in proprietary encodings into Unicode. Padma, a popular Firefox extension, is extended and reimplemented in PHP to create this proxy server. ...

AFT script

AFT is a document preparation system. It is mostly free form meaning that there is little intrusive markup. AFT source documents look a lot like plain old ASCII text.AFT has a few rules for structuring your document and these rules have more to do with formatting your text rather than embedding ...

Indices of a SubString in a Given String

This script uses string.index(sub) function which returns a list of indices of ALL occurances of a substring in the string. ...

A simple Tkinter notebook like widget

This simple notebook class allows you to organize single-toplevel Tkinter apps in a notebook-like fashion, associating each tab to an app, in a way which requires minimal changes in your original apps. This class also supporting different tab orientations (TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT & RIGHT). ...


TeXML is an XML syntax for TeX (LaTeX, ConTeXt).The processor transforms the TeXML markup into the TeX markup, escaping special and out-of-encoding characters. The intended audience is developers who automatically generate [La]TeX or ConTeXt files. Features: - LaTeX and ConTeXt support. - No need to bother escaping TeX special characters. ...

Converting Word documents to text

Converting Word documents to text script allows you to convert word documents to text files. ...


medit is a text editor.Features: - Configurable syntax highlighting. - Configurable keyboard accelerators. - Multiplatform - works both on unix and windows. - Plugins: can be written in C or Python. - Configurable tools available from the main and context menus. They can be written in Python, ...

Format a text block

This function formats a block of text. The text is broken into tokens. (Whitespace is NOT preserved.) The tokens are reassembled at the specified level of indentation and line width. A string is returned. ...


GGTT is PHP/MySQL web based environment which enables application developers (which use GNU GetText to implement translations to their projects) to implement  a web based translation system on their web site. GGTT user front-end templates are made with PHP's Smarty Template engine so anyone who have ever used Smarty can make ...


JUSH is a syntax highlighting component written in JavaScript. It highlights HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and SQL code embedded into each other. Beside syntax highlighting, it provides links to the documentation for all supported languages. Features - Highlights languages embedded into each other - Links to documentation of all languages ...

HTML to text converter

This is a complete program that reads a html document and converts it to plain ASCII text. In the spirit of minimalism, this operates as a standard unix filter: htmltotext < foo.html > foo.txt . If the output is going to a terminal, then bold and underline are displayed on the ...

DS CursorRadialText

DS CursorRadialText script displays a radial text effect on the cursor ...

Text transformer with conditions

This script uses an efficient way to tranform a file's text to something else, with conditions for few lines. ...

Document Text Sizer

Sometimes the text size you've specified for your webpage isn't suitable to the viewer, depending on his browser configuration or OS.This script uses Dynamic CSS to let the viewer himself modify the text size of the page on demand, by clicking on an Increase or Decrease Font Size link.It is most ...

DS TypeWriter

DS TypeWriter javascript displays a typewriter effect ...