Snippets scripts - Top 4 Download

Snippets script downloads

Button width and height

Button width and height script shows you how to modify the width and height of a button. ...

Color chooser dialog

Color chooser dialog script allows user to chooseor choosed color. ...

Titled Border

Titled Border script shows you how to make a titled border. ...

Alarm With Draw

Alarm With Draw script animates a window while it beeps. ...

Button action inside a class

Button action inside a class demonstrates the use of a button action called within a class. ...

Easy List Builder Script

You've probably heard the expression, "The money is in the list", and it's absolutely true. Without a list, you'll either have to use free resources that are overwhelmed with similar offers that don't get read, or dig deep in your pockets to pay to market your opportunities each and every time... ...


This is a tool/php script which i developed for creating forms and insert scripts from database, this was the basic requirement for most projects i work, a database few select(sql) scripts, few insert(sql) scripts.It creates scripts and puts into separate files/scripts ...


XML wrappers for a mysql database so that you can take advantages both XML and SQL technologies. ...


VCalendar (Virtual Calendar) is an open source Web calendar application with related tools, for posting and maintaining events and schedules online, in calendar format. VCalendar comes with source code in multiple programming languages: PHP, ASP and ASP.NET (C# and VB.NET); with potential for adding more technologies in the future. &lotential for ...

Using Tk option database to configure Tk widgets

Using Tk option database to configure Tk widgets script shows you how to manage the Tk database for manipulating widgets. ...