Programming Methods & Algorithms Python scripts - Top 4 Download

Programming Methods & Algorithms Python script downloads

Treat the Win32 Registry like a Python dict

This class wraps most of the win32api functions for accessing a registry. It will read and write all win32 registry types, and will de/serialize python objects to registry keys when a string or integer representation is not possible. ...

How to Set Environment Variables

This script writes the environment variables using a batch file wrapper. It overcomes an operating system limitation. ...

Controlling Windows Services

This script is a module for manipulating WinNT, Win2k & WinXP services. It contains the WService Class. The WService Class is used for controlling WinNT, Win2k & WinXP like services. Just pass the name of the service you wish to control to the class instance and go from there. For example, ...

Win32 service administration

This script provides some packaging for the win32serviceutil module to simplify starting and stopping services. It also provides a small test example that includes providing arguments for starting a service. ...

Lock NT via screensaver

Lock NT via screensaver code implements a Python solution for locking a workstation via a secure screensaver. ...


The "CookieInfo" and "Cookie" classes provide developers with an read-only interface to the "cookies.txt" that most browsers store. The CookieInfo class makes Cookie objects from the cookie file. It also provides methods to operate on the whole set of Cookies. The Cookie object provides methods to convert a cookie into both ...

A friendly mkdir

This scripts provides a function mkdir() more friendly than Python's standard os.mkdir(). Limitations: it doesn't take the optional 'mode' argument yet. ...


This is a python script very loosely approximating pkill that is a Linux command: will send the specified signal (by default SIGTERM) to each process instead of listing them on stdout. ...

Easily call executables from Python

One common aspect of programming is calling executables and processing results. It is not as easy or elegant to do this in Python as it is in a shell scripting language, such as bash. This script implements a shell-like module in Python which allows you to easily call executables and work ...

Parse Command Line String from CommandLine

This script represents a way to parse command line from user provided string or try to get the original Argv from Windows OS Platform. ...

Parsing the command line

The module optparse was a great addition to Python 2.3, since it is much more powerful and easier to use than getopt. Using optparse, writing command-line tools is a breeze. However, the power of optparse comes together with a certain verbosity. This script allows to use optparse with a minimum of boilerplate, ...

Watching a directory tree under Linux

This script contains a class named DirectoryNotifier that encapsulates the code required for watching directory entry contents. ...

Changing file attributes on windows

The win32api module offers SetFileAttributes whiles allows you to make changes to a file in windows. You can set a file to be read only, archive, hidden, etc. This script is simple and convenient to use. ...

Converting windows 64 bit time

In Win32 often you'll find time stored in 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1600 UTC. It is stored in a 64-bit value which uses 2 32 bit parts to store the time. The following script is a function that returns the time in the typical format the python time libraries use (seconds ...

Create an account in MS active directory

This script contains the basic code to create an account in active directory that shows how to do things like set your own exension attributes, force a reset of the password when the user logs in, and set the home directory. It makes used of python's excellent COM support in win32com. ...

Creating a share on windows

This script is an example of how one would use python's win32net module to create a share on windows. ...

Get attributes of an object in MS Active Directory

Sometimes it is useful to know what attributes are available to you for an object in active directory. You cannot ask the object directly for that, instead you need to use the schema of the object. All of this is done with python's COM support using win32com. By default only attributes ...

Format warnings for Visual Studio

Visual Studio can be configured to invoke a Python script during your build process. If you need to do this, you'll likely want to report errors and warnings in a way that Visual Studio will understand. This script uses the standard Python warnings framework, and installs a custom warning message formatter that ...

Curried functions

This script is a class to allow programmers to curry functions, so that arguments can be supplied one at a time instead of all at once. E.g., if  F = Curry(lambda a,b: a b), then F(1,2) == F(1)(2). ...

Obtaining the name of a function method

This scripts shows you how to obtain the name of a method or a function from within the running method/function. ...