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LATEST free Perl script downloads

Amazon Products Feed

This script was created to utilize's Web Services to provide a real-time listing of books or other items on your site that provide links for your visitors to purchase these items from Amazon US, UK, DE, JP, FR or CA, using your affiliate code. This script parses's XML feed ...

CGI Calendar

CGI Calendar is an appointment/event calendar written in Perl. It can run on any system that has a web server supporting CGI and Perl (this includes most Unix, NT, Macintosh, Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris systems, among many others). It is very customizable and is easy to configure and install. Features: ...


By using HTML tags on your web pages, the system maintains detailed counts of pageviews and visitors to each page, day and month for a year. It also supports tracking groups of pages. ...


Afick is a security tool, very close from the well known tripwire. It allows to monitor the changes on your files systems, and so can detect intrusions.Features: - portable without any change to all common operating systems (windows, unix ...) - easy install : no need to compile or to ...

E Vars Server Environment Variables

This perl script prints the environmental variables and their values as returned by your server. E-vars will also test (ensuring they can be utilized) and list any modules installed on your server with links to CPANs detailed documentation. E-vars will also print the version of Perl running on your server, the ...


Ringlink program is a Perl program that provides the tools you need to run one or more webrings, i.e. systems of links between related web sites. The webring concept is about linking together websites of similar contents to "rings". Features: - The listpage When you list sites in a ring, it appears ...


OpenFTS (Open Source Full Text Search engine) is an advanced PostgreSQL-based search engine that provides online indexing of data and relevance ranking for database searching. Close integration with database allows use of metadata to restrict search results. ...

Simple Search

Simple Search allows you to integrate a keyword and boolean search program into your site so that users can search specified text and HTML documents. The simple search script was written to allow people to set up a search of their site, so their users could enter keywords and find all ...

MieRic address book

MieRic script is an address book that holds data via a MYSQL database.Users can add multiple EMAIL, ADDRESS, PHONE, CONTACTS, IMAGE AVATAR and PGP keys as they want. The addressBook is password protected using encrypted cookies using Blowfish encrypt.Features: - multiple address, emails, phone numbers, contacts, and a description for ...


TunnelTools is a set of perl scripts to allow anonymous rsync and CVS access from machines inside a firewall by tunneling over an ssh connection to a host outside the firewall. ...


This is a program that allows users behind a HTTP proxy like squid to use applications like telnet,ssh, irc, fetchmail etc as if they were directly connected to the internet. ...


This module will import information about your mp3's into a database and use that information to either play them directly from the webserver, or stream them to the client. Features: - Uses xmms on the server to have a central source for music. - All the standard player features supported ...


This script allows users only have to click radio buttons to submit a response. They can add their E-Mail address to your mailing list. It also supports simple message-creation and E-Mailing to your list members. ...

MailIt 99

MailIt! 99 allows you to send out professional looking newsletters, is easy to configure, and has absolutely no ads. MailIt! 99 also includes the ability to mark the priority of your message. You can set it to high, normal, or low importance just like in your favorite email program. ...

Free for all Links

Free For All Links script allows you to set up a web page where your user can add links in various categories.Newest links are added to the top of each category. A running total of the number of links present as well as the time when the last link was added ...


mail2chart generates various statistical charts from a bunch of mail messages. The code for generating a certain type of chart is plugged into the program.OPTIONS-a alias-file--aliases=alias-fileIf the same person wrote mail from varying addresses this file can list all the aliases. Then each address is treated as if it came from ...

FormMail Script

FormMail is a generic HTML form to e-mail gateway that parses the results of any form and sends them to the specified users. This script has many formatting and operational options, most of which can be specified within each form, meaning you don't need programming knowledge or multiple scripts for multiple ...

Free Customized Feedback Form Wizard

This script creates a FREE feedback form for your website. This allows you to put a Feedback Form or Contact Form on your site so that visitors can send you messages / email or make comments.Features: - Plug and Play: All the necessary code for the feedback form is generated for ...

Mail to News Gateway

m2n (mail to news gateway) mediates between a mail server (MTA) and a news server, both installed on the same machine. Incoming mails are processed and posted to a news group. This is useful for people, who want to read mailing lists like they read newsgroups. Unlike other mail2news gateways, m2n ...


Document Archive (docarc) is a database written in Perl to help you (and your workgroup) keeping track of the vast amount of electronic documents and BibTeX entries you might have in use. The underlying database is MySQL (because it's addressed through Perl's DBI, it might work with others as well). It's ...