RSS & Feeds C/C++ scripts - Top 4 Download

RSS & Feeds C/C++ script downloads


gfeed is an Rss Feed reader for Linux and Gtk -2.0 It is designed to be a simple yet highly customizeable reader, not an agggregater, which means it is designed for easy integration into a desktop. Its features include: - Customizable "feed" files that describe a feed - Full ...


Noffle is a Usenet news server optimized for few users and low speed dial-up connections to the Internet. It acts as a server to news clients running on the local host, but gets its news feed by acting as a client to a remote server. Noffle is written for the GNU/Linux ...


Slrn (s-lang read news) is a newsreader, i.e. a program that accesses a newsserver to read messages from the Internet News service (also known as ``Usenet'').It runs in console mode on various Unix-like systems (including Linux), 32-bit Windows, OS/2, BeOS, Mac OS X and VMS. Beside the usual features of a ...