Internet, Browsers & Tools PHP scripts - Top 4 Download

Internet, Browsers & Tools PHP script downloads

PHP DHTML Expandable Tree List

PHP DHTML Expandable Tree List is an exts that gives Web sites a ives Web sites a professional look using PHP and DHTML. ...


The PHP-Ftp is a web based FTP client build using PHP with ftp configuration options. ...

Simple Upload Progress Bar

Simple Upload Progress Bar (PHP) are a few simple web based scripts to upload large files with progress bar (PHP, Perl, Ajax). ...

PHP Easy Button

PHP Easy Button is a PHP script that allow you to make buttons without using different image for each button.Example: You don't need 10 images for 10 buttons! Just insert with the text an with the text and the link you want and more options! ...

Google XML Sitemap Feed

This contribution was coded to meet the protocol specification delineated by Google for the XML Sitemaps experimental service.Features: - Super easy install - no file edits! - Generation of sitemap files for products and categories (separate files) - Generation of a sitemap index file - Built-in support for ...

rss news feed

rss-news feed lets you configure how many new items from your online store will be shown for the client. ...

Yahoo Data Feeder

Creates and automatically sends a data feed to Yahoo, to provide product information and pictures. This Yahoo Data Feeder, handles product duplicates, specials(if available), currency conversion, html descriptions, full category trees, and automatic upload. It only adds products and specials that are in stock. ...

RSS XML Auto Newsletter

RSS/XML Auto Newsletter allows you to take a RSS feed or two if you'd like from some news source like Yahoo! and uses that feed as the bulk content of your email newsletter.You can find RSS feeds by searching for RSS in Google or some other search engine.You should include some ...

BizRate com Auto Data Feed Auto Data Feed script creates and automatically sends a data feed to BizRate, to provide product information and pictures.This BizRate Data Feeder, handles product duplicates, specials (if available), currency conversion, html descriptions, full category trees, and automatic upload. It only adds products and specials that are in stock. ...

Backends RSS

Backends RSS script provides two backends in rss format: one for the whats_new equivalent and one with the main categories listing.These backends are useful to show osc information in other CMS like PostNuke. ...

Automatic Store Feeds

This contribution is a combination of the Froogle (Google base), Yahoo, Bizrate, and the new Bidhopper Store Feed contributions plus the added admin configuration group for easy install. This contribution was created as an improvement to the existing 'store feeders' contribution with the addition of tons of new features including the ...

DealGates Instant Deals feeder

DealGates Instant Deals feeder will allow you to generate a feed of Instant Deals from your store to DealGates Auctions USA or UK. ...

Froogle Data Feeder

Creates and automatically sends a data feed to Froogle, to provide product information and pictures. This Froogle Data Feeder, handles product duplicates, specials(if available), currency conversion, tax support, html descriptions, full category trees, and automatic upload. In addition, the Froogle Data Feeder supports advance feeds. With the advance feed option enabled ...

Google Base Froogle Data Feeder

Google Base / Froogle Data Feeder creates and automatically sends a data feed to Google Base and Froogle using Google's new unified feed specification.This Google Data Feeder, handles product duplicates, specials(if available), currency conversion, tax support, html descriptions, full category trees, and automatic upload. In addition, the Google Data Feeder supports ...


BadWordz is a PHP script that allows you to filter certain words. ...