Internet, Browsers & Tools JavaScript scripts - Top 4 Download

Internet, Browsers & Tools JavaScript script downloads

JS Loader

This script views a progress bar while your page is loading. It only works if your page contains images, since it checks for each image if loading is complete. After the page is loaded, contents will be faded in.Safari 1.0 (Mac OS X) does not support "document.images[].complete", so the progress bar ...


Formerly known as JS Embedded Content, is a small and unobtrusive JavaScript code to fix "Click to activate and use this control" issue, allowing website users to interact with embedded content (Flash movies, Quicktime movies, Java applets and more) without activating them manually. This procedure started to be required by the ...

Javascript Browser Sniffer

JavaScript Browser Sniffer is a browser identifier written in JavaScript (EcmaScript) and released under the LGPLlicense. It will tell which browser, version and operating system you (the visitor) are using (it's like phpsniff, but in JavaScript).The JavaScript Browser Sniffer is able to identify these browsers: - Microsoft Internet Explorer (should work ...

Onclick close pop up

With the help of this script the popup window can be closed when the user clicks the mouse anywhere inside the popup window. ser click; ...

Auto Hide Popup

This script opens a pop-up window which automatically hides itself behind the main window after a given amount of time that can be set. This one line script prevents the pop-up from being too much of a nuisance and yet its contents can be viewed after the current browser session is ...

Hidden Pop up

This script opens up a pop-up that hides behind the main browser window. This script is useful as lately a lot of viewers are complaining about pop-ups that are becoming increasingly common and are considered as a nuisance. In this way the contents of the pop-up can only be seen after ...

Cookie Enabled Pop Up

With this script the pop-ups will only open once per day or as desired by the users. This script will prevent the pop-ups from popping up every time your viewers move to the particular page that contains the script that opens the pop-up. It can be used in conjunction with any ...

Timed Pop Up

This script opens a pop-up window exactly at any given time (set in Hours, Minutes and whether AM/PM) the users set. Visitors coming to view the page at any other hour would not get to see the pop-up. ...

Delayed Pop Up

This script opens a pop-up window after a set amount of time that can be altered by the users to suit their needs. This pop-up would prove useful in attracting the attention of the visitors as it would pop-up when the visitors are busy perusing the page. Usually pop-ups open when ...

Show Selected User Info

This script helps visitors to find out the properties of their browsers as well as a few other additional details like the resolution, colour depth, how many pages visited, etc. Just choose the property you wish to see from the drop down menu and the information will be automatically displayed in the ...

OnMouseOver Pop Up

This script opens a pop-up window when viewers hover their mouse ove ra link. Also this script can be used to open a popup when the mouse is taken over any text on the page and not necassarily a link as shown i text on ipt. ...

Elastic band trail

Using VML (vectored graphics) to generate the "string" interface and DHTML to then animate it, this script creates an "elastic band" trail for your mouse. VML is a IE5 exclusive technology, so this script is visible only in IE5 . ...

Cursor Trailer Text

This DHTML script adds a trailing animated text to your mouse cursor. ...

Image Trail Script

This script allows you to add a funny animated image to your mouse cursor. ...

Disable right mouse click script

This is a cross browser DHTML script that will prevent the default right menu from popping up when the right mouse is clicked on the web page.You could use it to stop surfers from easily saving your web page, viewing its source, or lifting images off your site when using either ...

External Data Source Marquee

This script is an DHTML scrolling marquee that uses an external HTML document as its content to scroll. As a secondary feature, the marquee slows down when the user moves his mouse over it (to more easily read the contained contents), and resumes it's original scroll speed when out. IE 4 and ...

Dynamic Fader

This Dynamic Fader script gently brings into view various messages, then fades them out after a few seconds.It supports the display of HTML content (such as links), apart from plain text. ...

Cursor Scroller

This scroller follows your mouse around, ensuring that the message it carries won't be missed by your visitors. And when that time comes for it to leave the scene, two methods are available to accomplishing its removal- either automatically after x seconds, or by double clicking your mouse. ...

Memory Scroller

This DHTML scroller remembers its last scrolled position just before the visitor navigates to another page, and upon his return (within the same browser session), picks up the scrolling from where it last left off. For scrollers that contain a long message, this is an indispensable feature. The script saves its ...

Surfer s Screen Type Detection Script

This script detects the surfer's screen width, height, and color depth. IE4.x does not support one of the properties in the below script, so the last text box appears "null". ...