Internet, Browsers & Tools scripts - Top 4 Download

Internet, Browsers & Tools script downloads

Random link plus textual description

Random link plus textual description script will display not just a random link, but corresponding title and textual description.The script is very easy to install: its code must be introduced in the document body. It is cross browser compatible. ...

Real Menu

Real Menu script replaces the default right click menu in IE5.5 with Real Menu. Animated into view, this menu supports both links and HTML (ie: images). If you will right click anywhere on the page after the script installation (if you're using IE5.5 ) the menu will popup. ...

Redirection Cookie

This small javascript allows you to set a cookie on your visitors computer. If the cookie still exists the next time they visit, they are redirected to the page of your choice. It is ideal for redirecting visitors who have already seen you (long) flash intro or your popup windows. Tested ...


retawq is an interactive, multi-threaded network client (web browser) for text terminals on computers with Unix-like operating systems.It is written in C, fast, small, nicely configurable, and comfortable; e.g. the low-level network communications are performed in a non-blocking way, and you can keep open as many "virtual windows" as you want ...

RSS Genesis

RSS Genesis is a Open Source Project providing a PHP class to facilitate the generation of RSS feeds. It is compatible with PHP 4 and 5. RSS Genesis provides full support for RSS 0.91 and partial support for version 2.0. ...

RSS Mix Tape

RSS Mix Tape reads items from RSS feeds that you specify, and displays them in a list. You go through the list, picking your favorite posts and putting them into categories. You can also write comments on posts. Then you click the "Generate RSS" button, and RSS Mix Feed spits out ...

rss news feed

rss-news feed lets you configure how many new items from your online store will be shown for the client. ...

RSS Simple News

RSS Simple News is a PHP script that works with MySQL to easily syndicate and display your site news. Works with any webserver with PHP and MySQL. Quickly installs with 1 form. ...

RSS Viewer

RSS Viewer is a Java-based ticker application. It uses JAXP to parse RSS-sites (RDF site summary). The script is easy to use and easy to configure. It has two different views: a browser-like view and a simple ticker-view. RSS Viewer is compatible with all modern web browsers.It is written completely in Java ...

RSS XML Auto Newsletter

RSS/XML Auto Newsletter allows you to take a RSS feed or two if you'd like from some news source like Yahoo! and uses that feed as the bulk content of your email newsletter.You can find RSS feeds by searching for RSS in Google or some other search engine.You should include some ...


rss2php is a library of php scripts to parse and interpret rss feeds from websites. The data that the scripts process can then be used to create one page, showing news from many different sites for example. ...

Screen resolution detection Script

This script tests the surfer's screen size, and if it's not a certain size (ie: 800*600), suggests to the surfer to change screen resolution. ...

Screen Size Redirect Script

This script redirects users to four different pages, depending on the monitor screen resolution (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, other). It is functional in all 4th generation browsers, including NS 6. ...

Scrollable menu links

This script compacts any content (links) into a predefined area, with the content accessible via left and right scroll buttons. Browsers other than IE 4 or NS 4 will simply see nothing. You can reverse the scroll directions of the left and right buttons. Script works in webpages with a strict doctype ...

Scrolling Tooltip Script

Scrolling Tooltip Script creates a "scrolling" tooltip. Definitely more eye catching, if nothing else. (Note that in IE, the tooltip will only be enabled after the document has completed loading) . ...

Shade Image Tabs Menu

This is an attractive "blue shading" image tab menu. The shade effect is created using two gradient background images, one for the overall tabs, and the other, for the currently "active" tab. Based partially on the Basic Tabs menu, Shade Image Tabs Menu supports three commonly requested features: - Ability to ...

Shell Commander

Shell Commander is a PHP script, that allows remote execution of shell commands (like SSH client) through a web browser. ...

Show Selected User Info

This script helps visitors to find out the properties of their browsers as well as a few other additional details like the resolution, colour depth, how many pages visited, etc. Just choose the property you wish to see from the drop down menu and the information will be automatically displayed in the ...

Simple Browser Proxy

Simple Browser Proxy was derived from a wish for an easy to use proxy that didn't require any installation or odd programs to be running. Thus, SBP isn't meant to be used by someone who wants/requires total anoniminity. For example, images are not fetched by SBP; rather, the path to them ...

Simple Upload Progress Bar

Simple Upload Progress Bar (PHP) are a few simple web based scripts to upload large files with progress bar (PHP, Perl, Ajax). ...