hclTicket 2.1.5

hclTicket 2.1.5 Download Summary

  • Language: PHP
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: Other Free / Open Source License
  • Databases: MySQL
  • Downloads: 937
  • Released: May 27, 2008

hclTicket 2.1.5 Description

hclTicket is a trouble ticket system specifically made for Help Center Live.

This is being done to streamline hclTicket, and avoid reproducing code between the two systems (hclTicket will slowly start using HCL's functions rather than it's own...).

What is important is to have a trouble ticket system that works. Past attempts at interfacing other ticket systems has proven difficult to install, maintain, and operate. hclTicket's goal is to alleviate these issues and become more full featured.

Instead of replicating functions in HCL, hclTicket (or HT) will make use of the resources already in HCL and eventually make use of features that will be forthcoming in HCL 3.0.x.

- Create New Ticket interface - viewer / operator
- Auto Ticket numbers
- Departments - admin
- Operators; assignable to Department - admin
- Full email integration; pull tickets from a mailbox into the interface and send emails out from the interface - operator
- Assign tickets to an operator - operator(config) / admin(config)
- Assign Status to Ticket - operator(config) / admin(config)
- Canned email responses - operator
- Create canned email responses - admin
- Ticket status checker- public (would be great if the login could be pulled from a referring form or Querystring) - viewer / operator / admin
- Ticket Status Log (include status changes, answers (via email), notes added // all entries need user, datetimestamp, detail) - operator / admin (edit log entries)
- Ticket Flags - operator(config) / admin(config)
- Ticket filters (by status, date added, email address, title, operator, etc.) - viewer / operator
- Ticket system banning - admin (stop spam)
- Transfer ticket between operators - operators(config) / admin
- Alerts (change of status (sent to client), or transfer emails (sent to receiving operator))
- Securty code integration for New Ticket - public
- Link Chat logs in HCL to a ticket for reference (i.e. new ticket created based on chat) - operator

hclTicket Bookmark

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hclTicket 2.1.5 Script Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates information of hclTicket 2.1.5 script from the developer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Our script download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website. hclTicket 2.1.5 torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, MailBigFile, DropSend, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MediaMax, zUpload, MyOtherDrive, SendSpace, DepositFiles, Letitbit, LeapFile, DivShare or MediaFire, are not allowed!

Hot Open Tickets

HOT (Hot Open Tickets) is a user-friendly helpdesk/trouble-ticket system written using XHTML, PHP and MySQL. It is easy to administer, configures quickly and is designed using CSS to allow for easy theme changes. The project uses object-oriented coding ...


eTicket is a PHP-based electronic (open source) support ticket system based on osTicket, that can receive tickets via email (pop3/pipe) or a web form. It also offers a ticket manager with many features. An ideal helpdesk solution ... loops - Max Allowed to limit maximum tickets user can have opened - Filters to ...

PHD Help Desk

PHD Help Desk is a PHP, Javascript, MySQL open source Help Desks tracking software, very usefull for the help desk incident registration, follow up and managing of them, ... and sub type, state of the incident, description, ticket assign and priority, historical registry, audit. Work flow ...

Cerberus Helpdesk

... need their attention.Cerberus Helpdesk Feature Highlights: - Customizable Ticket Views Teach Cerberus exactly what information you ... choose their own important columns, custom data, queues, ticket statuses and more! Customized ticket views are saved for later reuse. - ... by binding it to specific customers and their tickets. - Reporting System Several powerful reports ...


... departments, and categories. It allows users to submit tickets and rate their priority. It allows many users to login and work on the tickets to resolve the problems. It also has some limited reporting functionality and will send emails to an assigned user. ...