Graphics & Multimedia scripts - Top 4 Download

Graphics & Multimedia script downloads

Check your Windows sound system

Check your Windows sound system script finds out if the sound hardware on your windows PC is working properly. ...


PyMedia is a Python module for wav, mp3, ogg, avi, divx, dvd, cdda etc files manipulations. It allows you to parse, demutiplex, multiplex, decode and encode all supported formats. It can be compiled for Windows, Linux and cygwin. PyMedia was built to be really simple and flexible at the same time. ...


libTagEdit is a simple C and Python class library for music tag editing.Features: - Easy to use C interface - Even easier to use Python interface - Limited to the most basic needed information - Extendable through plugin interface - Support for mp3, Ogg Vorbis and ...


The athenaCL system is an open-source, object-oriented composition tool written in Python. The system can be scripted and embedded, and includes integrated instrument libraries, post-tonal and microtonal pitch modeling tools, multiple-format graphical outputs, and musical output in Csound, MIDI, audio file, XML, and text formats.Musical parts are deployed as Textures, layered ...

Glowing Text Script

This script adds flare and draws attention to important text on your page by making it glow. It utilizes the glow filter of DHTML to first surround any text with a yellow "light", then uses scripting to make the light "come alive" and glow. ...

Watching Eyes script

This cross browser DHTML script follows your mouse around with a "watching eye". ...

Flying ghosts script

Flying ghosts script presents your visitors animated ghosts that move arround on the screen.You can spook up your webpage with this animation script. A bunch of ghosts swirl around while fading in and out at the same time! The effect works in IE4 and NS4 (without fade). ...

Bouncing image script II

This script uses your visitor's entire monitor screen as its playground. Your visitors will see an image animation with complete disregard to the usual window boundaries. The image can be set to dismiss or navigate to a URL onclick. If you want to draw attention to a specific image/banner, there is ...

Floating images script

One important feature of DHTML is it's ability to move elements around the page freely, without having to be tied down to one single spot on the page. Floating images script moves any number of images around the page (by wrapping the images inside s, and animating each ), each following ...

Flying Message Script

This script presents you a message that flies across the screen. HTML tags, such as links, and be embedded inside. The message is an external html file that can be updated by anyone who knows basic HTML. If the surfer moves the mouse over the message, it pauses for him/her to ...

Top Down Stripy Curtain Script

This script opens up a "curtain" (up-down) as the surfer enters the page. ...

Determine the available desktop area

This script is the Python implementation of the SystemParametersInfoA() invocation required to retrieve the area that application windows can inhabit. On multi-monitor setups, the windows code returns the area on the primary monitor only. ...