Graphics & Multimedia Flash scripts - Top 4 Download

Graphics & Multimedia Flash script downloads


Vrindamp is based on Macromedia Flash and MDM Zinc v2. It is a presentation tool for Windows XP. Vrindamp supports video, audio, photos and flash clips; and it offers ility to create, use, modify ate, use, modify and save photo-clips in a few seconds. ...

SECURE TSPlayer Admin

SECURE-TSPlayer Admin allows a complete administration of the audio player SECURE-TSPlayer from user's website.Features - You can generate a new SECURE-TSPlayer to insert it in any of your pages on your website. - You can modify the MP3 playlist for any of the players already installed on your website. - ...


EMFF is a very small and easy music player for Flash 6 or higher. ...


Blazegraph is a dynamic graph layout engine similar to TouchGraph link browser (tglinkbrowser) implemented in Flash and ActionScript. ...

Fluid Flash Interfaces Engine

The Fluid Flash Interfaces Engine (FFIE) is a compact library for Macromedia Flash applications using ActionScript code to generate Complex Graphical User Interfaces with pseudoHTML and StyleSheets. All interfaces are rendered Client Side. ...

External Text MX

External Text MX is a handy Macromedia Flash extension that makes process of loading, displaying and formatting text in flash movies easier than ever. It ia Flash MX (or later) and Macromedia Extension Manager to wsion Manager to work. ...


CHOMP3 is a web based media player. Using DHTML, FLASH and XML it enables web developper to easilly integrate music and playlist in their web sites. CHOMP actually stands for "Cooperative Hyperlinking Media Protocol". ...


Swfdec is the library for decoding and rendering Flash animations. It is still in heavy development. The intended audience are developers or people using it for pretested Flash animations (think embedded here). If you use it on unknown content, expect it to have issues and don't be surprised if it crashes. ...