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Imc Objects scripts


... libraries that don't let you create and finalize objects yourself, but force you to use a callback. Having no way to use a try...finally, and needing to reference (but hopefully not rebind) local variables, a decorator like the one in this recipe could help. ...


... files and directories to store revisions of ZODB objects; one file per revision per object. Features: - very simple file format; one file per revision per object. Your data is not locked away inside an unfamiliar, opaque database. - Disaster-preparedness. DirectoryStorage tools have been designed to allow you to ...


... uses DirectX almost directly, usually just interpreting Python objects to a form that DirectX can understand. Naturally Python's philosophy has been kept in mind during the planning: DirectPython is simple to use and install. There is no need to download any external libraries (assuming that Python and DirectX are installed) ...

Factory pattern

... pattern script you have an object that creates other objects.Factory is useful to separate implementation from interface. It adds a new indirection layer. When you want to instanciate an object you call its factory and the factory creates the instance. ...


... your application code to the player as actionscript objects and you've got a scriptable, cross-platform UI.Flirt is available under the BSD license, allowing for use in both open source and commercial projects. ...


... even spool to/from memory. Listings are captured as objects, so parsing is eliminated - a superior performer for your most demanding applications. - Ftp component can be used in traditional client applications and services as well as scalable ASP.NET applications. - File transfer options are set using simple ...

Gnome Flow

... relaxation method, and can calculate flows past symmetric objects.Steady state means, that it calculates the flow at a given time, and that the physical parameters are constant in time. Requirements: · gnomelibs · gnomeui-libs · gdk-pixbuf ...

Grouping objects into disjoint sets

... class provides a lightweight way to group arbitrary objects together into disjoint sets when a full-blown graph data structure would be overkill. Objects can be joined using .join(), tested for connectedness ... disjoint sets can be retreived using get(). The objects being joined must be hashable. ...


... Debugging. - Supports include/require files from the objects. - 85 classes, which represents all HTML elements. - Supports HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 elements. - Nesting elements allowed. - Only allowed elements can be nested. - Only allowed attributes-values can be set. - ...


The goal of this project is to create a PHP framework for RAD(Rapid Aplication Development) for the WEB. The framework joined various other libraries and integrates the components. The development is guided by objects and utilizes any patterns: MVC,TRO,DAO. ...

Imc Objects scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of imc objects full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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