Forms & Controls JavaScript scripts - Top 4 Download

Forms & Controls JavaScript script downloads

Form field Progress Bar

Tis script allows you to restrict the number of characters inside a form element (ie: textarea) while displaying a progress bar on the remaining characters beneath it. The script works in IE4 , NS6 , and Opera 7 . ...

Gchats Javascript color picker

Gchats Javascript color picker makes it easy for you to let your users select colors from a DHTML layer with single click. It's best choice to have multiple color selectors in a page. Features: - Easily attach to your html form textfields - All javascript enabled browsers supported - ...

Auto clear form element Script

If you have forms on your page that contain default text in them, this is a great time-saving script that makes life easier for your visitors that have to fill them out. The script automatically clears the default text inside the containing form element when the user sets focus on it, ...

JavaScript User Interfaces

JavaScript User Interfaces is a reusable module-based JavaScript library for making graphical OS-like Dynamic HTML , or DHTML , objects such as windows, popup menus, taskbars, etc. You can easily develop javascript based objects using this library. The code output is compatible with all modern web browsers. ...

JS Memo

JS-Memo script allows you to create memo boxes. This Javascript is very easy to install and use. It is also compatible with all major web browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera, Fire Fox and more. ...

JS CheckForm

Use this script to validate form data before submission. You can set a type for each input field (number, mail, url, date) and a minimum length. This script works with all kinds of form fields: text, textarea, select, checkbox, and radio. The script was tested on Windows XP and Mac OS ...

Disable Enter Key in Form script

If the user presses the "Enter" key in the middle of your form causing inadvertent and incomplete form submissions, this script disable the "Enter" key when pressed inside chosen fields of your choice (most commonly input fields).Moreover, it then advances the cursor to the next field within the form. ...

Popup Box II

This script allows you to prominently present content in an elegant, non obtrusive manner. The feature rich box can be dragged and dismissed, with unlimited boxes per page supported!Note that the full interface of the box is visible in IE5 and NS6 only. Older browsers will display a popup window instead (can ...

Editable Select Box Script

This script allows you to make any select box on your page editable. It is extremely easy to install. ...

Dynamic Date Selector

This script provides a visually attractive dynamic date selector for form input fields. When the user clicks on a input field, the calendar will pop to let the user easily select a date value to enter.Script is tested and works on Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera. ...


DHTML Ad Box script displays an "inexcusable" box in the middle of the page, broadcasting ads of your choice inside. The box automatically disappears after x seconds, with its display frequency configurable (ie: show ad box only 1 of out 5 times the page is loaded). This is one method of serving ...


JAVASCRIPT GET VARIABLES allows you to read form variables from static HTML. Combined with the document.write() method, you can actually add dynamic content to regular HTML. Given a choice, server side processing of form variables is preferable. ...

Select and copy Form Element Script

Select (and copy) Form Element Script allows your surfers to easily select the contents of your form elements with this script. And just to outdo ourselves, we've also embedded in this script the ability to concurrently copy the content to clipboard (memory) as well (applicable only in IE 4 ). ...


This script allows you to set the value of a select tag without having to know its position in the list. ...