Form Processors JavaScript scripts - Top 4 Download

Form Processors JavaScript script downloads

Auto clear form element

If you have forms on your page that contain default text in them, this is a great time-saving script that makes life easier for your visitors that have to fill them out. The script automatically clears the default text inside the containing form element when the user sets focus on it, ...

Block multiple form submission

This useful script prevents a form from being inadvertently submitted more than once, which often occurs if the user clicks on the "submit" button multiple times before the process is complete. The result is partial or multiple submissions. With this script, the submit button is disabled once it's been pressed the ...

Clear default form value script

This script can be used to automatically clear the default value of any form input field when the mouse sets focus on it. Default input values are often used to aid in the explanation of the field's function or expected input, but become a nuisance once it's purpose has been served (namely, ...

Data Sorter

This is a script we created which primary use is actually not on a webpage, but on your hard drive.It is a data sorter that sorts data entered into a text box either into alphabetical or numerical order. The script is compatible with any web browser JavaScript enabled. ...

Double enter form field script

You've probably encountered forms where you're asked to double-enter a field, such as the email or password field. This provides confirmation on the accuracy of the input. You can use this script to add such a functionality to your forms. It cross checks any two fields to ensure they are: 1) ...

Enforce max of characters in form element

Put a cap on the amount of characters certain form fields of your form accept, by using this useful script. Once the limit has been reached, typing within the field in question has no effect. This script is very easy to install or integrate in your own applications. It is compatible ...

Filtering Large Select Lists

If you have a very large HTML SELECT list, finding the correct item can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. For example, if you have a list of a couple hundred names, finding a single one can be difficult. This  JavaScript technique permits to filter the items in a select ...


jsFormValidation() is a collection of JavaScript functions that limit user input into forms before they're submitted. ...

Menu Swapper

This JavaScript code moves form elements from one select box to the other. It allows for multiple items to be moved at once, and all items are sorted alphabetically as they are moved. The items are sorted by their description, not their value, which is helpful when pulling items from a ...

Parse number to currency format

This is a handy script for forms that contain money values. It automatically parses the form element of your choice whenever a surfer enters a number into the standard currency format. In other words, a number in two-decimal format, with an optional dollar sign in front. The script can be configured ...

Remember Text field values

Certain form fields always contain the same values, such as your user's name, email address fields etc. This script will remember the values entered into these fields, and automatically fill out these fields the next time the user returns. It uses cookies to persist the values for 60 days (changeable). For ...

Select all form element script

This script allows you to add a "select all" feature to your form textarea, whereby visitors can easily highlight the containing content with a click on a link. The script is compatible with all modern web browsers and can be easily implemented in your own applications. ...

Tell a friend Javascript

Let visitors refer others to your webpage (via email) with this script! It asks for the friend's email address, then loads the email program with the essential information pre-filled to instantly send off. The script is easy to integrate in any website or web application. It is compatible with all modern ...