XML Tools PHP scripts - Top 4 Download

XML Tools PHP script downloads

GSA Simple XML Parser

GSA Simple XML Parser is a XML DOM style parser class written in PHP. This class can inport XML data using expat or regex. ...


It allows you to read-in XML tags in an array format accessible via "paths". Modify existing XML. Create a proper XML string. All methods are used to programmatically read, modify, and/or create XML. ...

ActiveLink PHP XML Package

ActiveLink PHP XML Package provides an easy interface to parse, read, modify, and output XML and XML documents. ActiveLink PHP XML Package is purely implemented in PHP and does not require any PHP XML extensions (including xml or domXML). Provided classes are: XML, XMLDocument, XMLBranch, XMLLeaf, RSS, Tag, Tree, Branch, Leaf, ...

XML to PDF Converter

XML to PDF Converter is a small library in PHP to convert XML documents to PDF. You can instantly create PDF documents using this tool. ...


ezXML is a C library for parsing XML documents inspired by simpleXML for PHP. As the name implies, it's easy to use. It's ideal for parsing XML configuration files or REST web service responses. It's also fast and lightweight (less than 20k compiled). ...


Catapult is a web based xml content editor for small web sites that is designed for people not familiar with XML or HTML to update content easily and effectively. The idea is that the editor can be added to a web site quickly and provide a simple content management solution. The ...


phpXIedit is a web based application to edit, validate and preview XML documents. This program gives you a structured view of the XML data. It has support for multiple XML formats: SVG, DocBook, XHTML and more. phpXIedit is written in PHP. ...

XML Check

This class implements methods to check if a URL or file is well-formed XML. If not the class supplies methods to return the error message, line number and column number. If the source is well-formed the class provides methods to return the number of elements, attributes, text_sections, size of text sections ...


XMLConfigReader reads resource text data directly from a XML file and store it on a bidimensional array. The first dimension keys are taken from the value of the id attribute of the item elements. The second dimension array keys are taken from the names of the sub-items tags. The values are ...

XML PullParser

XML_PullParser moves the API of the PHP XML facility from an event-based model to a token-based model.Instead of processing data passed from the parser to callbacks, scripts work with "tokens", which are arrays representing XML structures. ...


KXParse is a PHP-based, light-weight XML parser. This is a useful tool for you when you deal with XML files. It is compatible with all modern web browsers. ...

Php XPath

Php.XPath is a php class for searching an XML document using XPath, and making modifications using a DOM style API. Does not require the DOM XML PHP library. ...


phpXMLDOM (phpXD) is an XML DOM-Implementation for PHP, written in PHP. It offers methods for accessing the nodes of an XML document using the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core. phpXMLDOM does not require the PHP DOM XML extension. ...