AJAX Chat is a free and fully customizable open source web chat software implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. Sound support is implemented using Flash, Socket support using Flash on client-side and Ruby on server-side. AJAX Chat integrates nicely with phpBB, MyBB, PunBB, SMF, vBulletin and other PHP community software. Features: ...
Ajax Live Chat is a great new tool for your website. It could help you with live support requests and installation is simple. AJAX Live Chat will allow you to effectively communicate with your site visitors. It utilizes script.aculo.us and prototype javascript frameworks and is written in PHP. It is also ...
Amfichat is a chat script that uses low-bandwidth AMFPHP technology for maximum efficiency.Features - Add room feature allows any user to add a public or private room. There is no limit to the number of rooms that can be added. - Advanced administrator panel permits instant ing of all the room usage ...
ARSC is a webchat system that uses PHP and MySQL and allows comfortable chatting with every browser on the surface of this planet, using JavaScript, frames HTML streaming for modern browsers down to a one-page reload-yourself version for text browsers. This script is very easy to install, use and customize to ...
Automated File Retrieval (AFR) is a plugin for X-Chat written in C. AFR is a queue-based file retrieval utility that can download files from many different types of file servers on IRC. Requirements: · X-Chat ...
BSFlite is a rather small and minimalist client for AOL Instant Messenger service. Instead of having a full screen console interface, BSFlite employs a command line interface that allows your fingers to do all of the work without needlessly sifting through windows. ...
Chirpy! is an Open Source online quote management system. It allows you to keep a database of quotes by friends and foes. It is most useful for quotes collected on IRC channels. Chirpy! is written in OO Perl, allowing for extensibility and even instant portability to non-Web platforms, uses a pluggable ...
daddy-bot is an IRC bot, written in PHP, designed for channel protection, entertainment, and channel help. The bot is very flexible, and you can script your own add-ons, called modules, much like TCL scripts for eggdrops. ...
Flash IRC client is a feature rich open source web-chat client based on IRCwx protocol. It is built in flash - 95% of all browsers have flash installed, no activex to download and no hassle in installation, completely cross platform (works on Windows, MAC, and Linux), and secure. Its main features ...
FulbotPHP is a simple IRC bot totaly written in PHP via socket functions. FulbotPHP can handle most of the basic IRC commands, but not any automatic features like floodprotection. ...
Globsy is a PHP bot framework for the Google Talk network that can be executed from a regular browser on a PHP enabled server, connect to the Google Talk network and continue running in the background, without the browser needing to remain open. The framework is very easy to use and ...
IRC Stats Bot is a JAVA / PHP / MYSQL IRC Stats Bot based on IRC JAVA BOT. It makes statistics for one or more channels on irc. It also make many php page with the stats of channels and the stats of nicks. ...
JavaScript Jabber Messenger is an Open Source messenger, built with the Ext and Prototype Library. Features: - full rostermanagment - instant notifications - desktop look n feel - tabbed chats - wysiwyg messages ...
LimiBot is a PHP/mySQL driven IRC bot. It provides full admin system, including a live web interface and IRC admin access aswell. Advanced statistics system. Dynamic loading system to load addons on the fly without need for a restart, making bot uptimes high and stable. ...
ModChat is a very small chatserver using PHP and mysql. Rooms can be moderated or not. Traffic is minimized through javascript document.write an dynamic refresh-delay. Now with easy integration into phpcms. All the source is just about 80 KB. So it is easy to understand and adapt. ...
MOHA Chat is a free and open source chat solution. Comes with intuitive web client. Less resource consuming on server side and fast on client side. Can run on most shared hosts. Only requires Apache with PHP and MySQL or PostgreSQL on server side. Users can deploy a chat service in ...
oopbot is an IRC bot coded in PHP for use in standard IRC Networks. It is modular constructed and object oriented programmed to assure efficient development and make it easy to fit most people needs.oopbot should be right for you if you are looking for: - easy way to keep ...