Internet, Browsers & Tools scripts - Top 4 Download

Internet, Browsers & Tools script downloads

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This script helps visitors to find out the properties of their browsers as well as a few other additional details like the resolution, colour depth, how many pages visited, etc. Just choose the property you wish to see from the drop down menu and the information will be automatically displayed in the ...


PHTP is a simple, effective and highly customizable PHP FTP client with HTML interface. It can be implemented on a remote server to allow files to be downloaded directly to it. ...


phpImageCloud provide you PHP classes for creating Image Tags Cloud. Static and dynamic. ...


This function takes a group of words, and assigns a link to each one. It's very useful if you want to create links where the words are underlined, but the spaces between them is not. Another use would be simply for the fun of it. ...


Oliver is a PHP-based front-end to FTP, released under the GPL.  You can manage your ftp account from any web browser using this application. ...

Delayed Pop Up

This script opens a pop-up window after a set amount of time that can be altered by the users to suit their needs. This pop-up would prove useful in attracting the attention of the visitors as it would pop-up when the visitors are busy perusing the page. Usually pop-ups open when ...


PHPBrowser is a full-featured browser agent written in PHP. It provides users with a way of browsing without being blocked from using their favorite sites blocked by site blockers such as Novell(R) NetWare(TM) or parental control software. ...


BadWordz is a PHP script that allows you to filter certain words. ...