Free xml to objects download - xml to objects script - page 4 - Top 4 Download

Xml To Objects scripts


... C/C applications to allow easy access to class objects.Bonddb is not a stand alone object oriented database, ... backend with the benefits of things like prescient objects. One of the real advantages of bonddb is how easy it is to modify rows in database fields without you having to construct sql ...

Boss Ogg

Boss Ogg is a server based music (ogg/mp3/flac) player. Written in Python/C, uses sqlite for a database backend, and xml-rpc for client/server communication. Released clients are for php, sdl and curses(geezer).Features:- Plays Ogg Vorbis, MP3, and Flac files - Transparently uses SQLite as a database backend - Uses an artist/album/song scheme -- ...

Breaking large XML documents into chunks

One of the few problems with using Python to process XML is the speed -- if the XML becomes somewhat large >(1Mb), it slows down exponentially as the size of the XML increases. One way to increase the processing speed is to break the XML down via tag name. This is ...


... higher level of abstraction for accessing bulletin-board related objects and data. It provides an abstracted persistence layer - based loosely on PEAR::DB - to support multiple database vendors and possibly other forms of persistence in the future (flat file, XML, etc.). Ideally a client application of BuBOL would never need ...

C like iostream syntax in Python

... proof-of-concept of an ostreams-like interface wrapping around file-like objects, included a demonstration of manipulators.Although theation of treams ... quite easy to make a wrapper around file-like objects that behaves like the C ostreams'  insertion operator ... quite easy to make a wrapper around file-like objects that behaves like the C ostreams' insertion operator ...


... a single text file, promoting caching of binary objects like images, PDFs, and multimedia files - Requires no MMC access to apply cache control to IIS Web sites and applications - Intuitive, easy-to-master rule statements (a sample rules file is provided with detailed examples for developers) - ...


Catapult is a web based xml content editor for small web sites that is designed for people not familiar with XML or HTML to update content easily and effectively. The idea is that the editor can be added to a web site quickly and provide a simple content management solution. The ...


... a module skeleton class). Each module contains form objects, which in turn contain field objects etc. The high level of reuseability that results from this approach shows in the small amount of lines needed to code indidivual modules. ...

Changing a closed over value in a cell

... could change the closed-over values, found in "cell" objects in a function's func_closure tuple. This script will demonstrate a way to actually change that value, so that functions which also close over that value (share a reference to the same cell) will see the change. ...


... performance and user friendly interface to manipulate 3D objects with fully extendibility. ...

Xml To Objects scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of xml to objects full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper xml to objects script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, xml to objects torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!