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Xml To Objects scripts

AFT script

AFT is a document preparation system. It is mostly free form meaning that there is little intrusive markup. AFT source documents look a lot like plain old ASCII text.AFT has a few rules for structuring your document and these rules have more to do with formatting your text rather than embedding ...


RSS 2.0, ATOM 1.0 & RDF 1.0 are supported, but its architecture is easily expandable to support any XML format.Features - Highly efficient. This module was created for performance. - Ability to assign term(s) to all items generated from a feed. - Ability to dynamically tag all incoming items during feed ...


... to be able to easily create further JavaScript objects (this needs a bit of work though) ...

Align XML ElementTrees with original text

Often when a program adds some XML markup to a plain-text document, it doesn't retain the original whitespace formatting. This script determines the character offsets the XML elements should have had in the original document. ...

Allowing the Python profiler to profile C modules

... its time. Profilewrap demonstrates how to create proxy objects at runtime that intercept calls between pre-existing pieces of code. It also demonstrates the use of the 'new' module to create new functions on the fly. ...

Amazon Products Feed

This script was created to utilize's Web Services to provide a real-time listing of books or other items on your site that provide links for your visitors to purchase these items from Amazon US, UK, DE, JP, FR or CA, using your affiliate code. This script parses's XML feed ...


AmazonLib is a PHP library for use with's E-Commerce Service and Seller Services (AIMS and Merchants@). It includes a useful XML parser and scripts that illustrate the Amazon APIs. ...

Application Server for PHP

PAS, Application Server for PHP, breaks down Web application in small XML and PHP files. Features : - code reuse, - packaging, - database abstraction, - easy integration with IDEs, - apply M.V.C. patern (separate business logic and front end GUI). ...


... small contiguous blocks. The class is useful for objects stored in the filesystem. It allows iteration over the object without reading everything in memory; instead, small blocks are read and iterated over. The class can be used with any object that supports multidimensional slices and a copy() method, like variables ...


... creating classes, test cases, test suites, and mock objects. The XUL UI includes everything found in the framework package. - MXP: This is a self-extracting Macromedia extension that will install AsUnit directly into Flash MX 2004 and/or Flash 8 Authoring. This extension requres the Macromedia Extension Manager. - ...

Xml To Objects scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of xml to objects full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper xml to objects script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, xml to objects torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!