Form Processors scripts - Top 4 Download

Form Processors script downloads

FormMail Script

FormMail is a generic HTML form to e-mail gateway that parses the results of any form and sends them to the specified users. This script has many formatting and operational options, most of which can be specified within each form, meaning you don't need programming knowledge or multiple scripts for multiple ...


jsFormValidation() is a collection of JavaScript functions that limit user input into forms before they're submitted. ...


phpXMLForm allows automatically build in PHP complete HTML forms with JavaScript checking. It allows you to make the configuration of Form from XML files. It allows automatically adding/deleting/updating DB, over phpXMLForm engine. ...


PHPFormMail is a web based form to e-mail gateway. Made as a PHP replacement for it's PERL sister. ...

Filtering Large Select Lists

If you have a very large HTML SELECT list, finding the correct item can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. For example, if you have a list of a couple hundred names, finding a single one can be difficult. This  JavaScript technique permits to filter the items in a select ...

Block multiple form submission

This useful script prevents a form from being inadvertently submitted more than once, which often occurs if the user clicks on the "submit" button multiple times before the process is complete. The result is partial or multiple submissions. With this script, the submit button is disabled once it's been pressed the ...


PhpMyValidator is a php class used to help in the validating of information submitted via a post or get form. This class can take that information and validate it. If an error exists, it will add the default or custom error message to an array which can later be printed to ...