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Object Oriented Progamming scripts


phpDbObject is a class to map an object to a database, written in PHP. It allows object relational mapping (ORM). ...

ORBit Python

Python is an object-oriented and dynamically typed language. These two features make ... When the IDL files are loaded, the appropriate objects and classes are created dynamically. This makes rapid prototyping with CORBA a reality. ORBit-Python is a project to develop Python bindings for ORBit. It supports dynamic loading of IDL ...


... project is built entirely using PHP's OOP (Object Oriented Programming) model, allowing the framework code to be easily extended and enhanced. All Harmoni code is documented with PHPDoc inline comments and explained in the manual.While Harmoni is a modular framework of which most any component can be used in a ...


... files. Running on the PHP language, it is object-oriented and can be looked at as sort of a framework in creating larger scripts (such as guestbooks, polls, forums etc.) There are two levels of access; a low-level implementation that works on just function calls and the other relies on the ...


... and powerful module that allows you to serialize objects. It is unique in that it also allows you to apply security to these objects using a fairly simple but powerful scheme of ... specify not only lists the properties of the object and possibly some information about where its data ... stored, but can also describe the relationship an object might have with another object (or objects). One ...


... 4287), iCalendar (RFC 2445), hCalendar†, JSON, Serialized PHP Object. - Blogging: comments, folksonomy / tagging, Trackback, Pingback. - Programming: PHP 5 object-oriented programming. - Databases: PostgreSQL 8.x, MySQL 5.x, others† that support PDO and SQL:1999. - Metadata: RFC 2731, Dublin Core and more. ...

Constellation Finder

... of SETs in Python. There is a key object that has constellations already identified and a stars object that contains the stars in the sky. Keys are used to unlocks the stars and the results are printed out for the user of ...


DirectoryStorage is a Storage for ZODB, the object database used by Zope. It uses ordinary files and directories to store revisions of ZODB objects; one file per revision per object. Features: - very simple file format; one file per revision per object. Your data is not locked away inside an


... 1.0 without any migrating problem. Features - Fully Oriented Object Classes. - Fully API Documentation. - Debugging. - Supports include/require files from the objects. - 85 classes, which represents all HTML ...

PEL PHP Exif Library

... old tags can be updated. - Extensible object-oriented design. PEL utilizes the new features in PHP 5. - Tested with SimpleTest (11 camera models tested, plus core tests). - Fully documented with PhpDocumentor - Supports internationalisation. ...

Object Oriented Progamming scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of object oriented progamming full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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