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Java Utility PHP scripts

sierra php

... utlizing an xml-based declarative design approach - Utility functionality: provides a variety of utility classes for file management, email messaging, xml parsing, and much more - Out-of-the-box UI templates: provides configurable Smarty-based templates for creating object and ...


phpMyPrepaid is an interface for the creation and management of prepaid cards and accounts designed to work with a MySQL database and FreeRadius. This script is very easy to install, use and customize to suit your needs. It works on any operating system having support for PHP applications. ...


... is a flexible, fast collaborative filtering engine for Java. The engine takes users' preferences for items ("tastes") ... J2EE-based applications, but Taste is not just for Java; it can be run as an external server which exposes recommendation logic to your application via web services and HTTP. ...


Harmoni PHP Project consists of three major components: - A PHP application framework and architecture, offering, e.g. authentication, DBC, file storage  - PHP OKI OSID (service definitions) conversion system  - PHP implementations of those OSIDs.The project is built entirely using PHP's OOP (Object Oriented Programming) model, allowing the framework code ...


The main advantage of using Simple PHP Blog is that it only requires PHP 5 (or greater) and write permission on the server. Unlike other blog software, there is almost no setup - just unzip and copy.This blog uses flat text files. It does not require a database.The main functionality of ...


PHP-PDB is a set of PHP classes that manipulate Palm OS databases. It lets you read, write, alter, and easily use data that is meant to be sent to or retrieved from a handheld. It requires PHP 4.0.1 or later, but due to security problems with PHP 4, you should have version ...


JavaPowUpload is easy client-side solution that can be used ... and file downloads from server to user mashine. JavaPowUpload is a crossplatform component that runs on any OS (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc) where Java Runtime Environment is installed. JavaPowUpload supports any standard file processing script on server ... fully hidden and replaced with custom HTML and Java Script code. Control has reach properties, methods and ...


Flyspray is an uncomplicated, web-based bug tracking system written in PHP for assisting with software development.Features include: - Web-based, platform-independent - Multiple database support, currently MySQL and PGSQL - Easy installation - Easy to use - Multiple projects - ‘Watching’ tasks, with notification of changes ...


phpCodeGenie is a code writer/generator for PHP/MySQL applications. It builds numerous forms and scripts, from your databsae tables. Just design your database and let phpCodeGenie do the coding for you. ...


KikoBlog is a simple web-blog engine written in PHP. It not needs database system, in fact it works with XML files. Its graphic-interface is based on css-files, so it is very simply extend/improve/change it. It is very light and more extensible. ...

Java Utility PHP scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of java utility full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper java utility script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, java utility torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!