Free java utility PHP download - PHP java utility script - Top 4 Download

Java Utility PHP scripts


... series of freely available PHP libraries which provide Java-like classes for use within PHP. If you are a Java programmer who is learning PHP, or if you like to write PHP in a more object-oriented fashion, then Mocha is for you. ...

IRC Stats Bot

IRC Stats Bot is a JAVA / PHP / MYSQL IRC Stats Bot based on IRC JAVA BOT. It makes statistics for one or more channels on irc. It also make many php page with the stats of channels and the stats of nicks. ...


... serves PHP servet (PHPlet). PHPlet are similar to Java Servlet as they implements the init(), service(), destroy() methods. The lifecycle of PHPlet is the same of servlet. ...


The Drupal utility module is a module that contains a bunch of utilities that are simple to code, everyone wants, but nobody actually codes them.Right now, it contains the following utilities: - System module fieldset closer - Allow to enable/disable individual plugins' through admin/settings/util page - Automatically save height for ...


yourShopAdmin is java client admin for osCommerce. It has a friendly JAVA Swing GUI with AquaLookAndFeel. YourShopAdmin will first has the ability to add, modify and delete products. ...

php stl

php-stl is a templating implementation similar to java's JSTL. This is a tag-based template engine with configurable classes to handle various tags. The templates are written in XML, which differs from the JSTL, but provides clean output. php-stl does not provide its own template handling, but instead piggybacks on either ...


PageJeanie is an SNPP paging system with Java and browser clients, and PHP and MySQL-based server. (Java client can send directly to SNPP server). ...

phpBook 1

phpBook is a free non-commercial guestbook utility for your personal projects. phpbook is fast, good-looking and also secure and has some small functions to prevent spamming. Due to the early releases of phpBook, phpBook isn't very huge. ...


phpServer (based on phpSystem) is a php script designed to give the user information about their system in an easy to read format, from any internet connected computer, such as kernel, uptime, memory and swap and partition space. ...


CAS is a Java-based single sign-on solution originally developed at Yale and later placed under the auspices of JA-SIG (Java Architectures - Special Interest Group). CAS authenticates users and sends the user to the requested application with a ticket. The application is then responsible for authenticating the ticket (behind the ...

Java Utility PHP scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of java utility full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper java utility script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, java utility torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!