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Information scripts

PHPMailer ML

... or when using MySQL data for your subscriber information.PHPMailer-ML uses some of our own tips and tools to extend the PHP execution time. Features - Supports unlimited lists - Supports unlimited subscribers for each list - Administration control panel with HTTP authentication to control access - Default ...

download count Caroline Schnapp

... with their download count. The table provides this information: filename, download count, last time the file was downloaded in the form 'x days y min ago', a link to view the node where the file is attachedDownload statistics can be viewed in the node as well.Roles can be given access ...

b bookmarks

... bookmarks is highly configurable: one can show extra information associated with a bookmark, such as its popularity, when it was last visited, when it was added, etc. With these new features, b. becomes a collaborative space for sharing discoveries of the Web. Old-style b. functionality is not lost however: one ...

Fusion News

... way to keep visitors up-to-date with the latest information about your site, without needing FTP access. You can also use it as a blogging system. General featuresPost News Categories allow posts to be categorised into different sections Full news, to split it long news posts into smaller pieces Edit news ...


... host if you do not know your MySQL information, you need the database name, database user name and password. Also change the admin password in config.php. If you do not change this anyone will be able to get into the admin! After you edit all settings run install.php from your browser.Values are easy ...

Bluetail Ticket Tracker

... been assigned to the user. - Customer Information - BTT can also store information about customers which can be useful in a ... where the support engineer quickly need to find information about a customer. - Knowledge Base - BTT can also store more general information. This Knowledge Base consists of a mail store ...


... open source database for storing an organization's contacts information.  It uses PHP and LDAP. Rolodap has easy ... a web browser and emailer - Stores information such as notes, telephone, postal address - Display of most common information in scrollable tabular form - Supports creating ... "my contacts" - Detailed search on any information - Scalable - Exports data to ...

Java Application Monitor

... minimum, maximum, standard deviation), as well as concurrency information such as simultaneous application requests. It comes with several ways to monitor your application that require no application code changes. Usually all that is required is to add a line to an xml file, and make the jamon jar file available. Some ...


... most users take when browsing a website. This information can then be used to decide how to improve the navigation of the site, and which parts are most worth improving and keeping up to date. Key Features: - Powerful (regex-based) filtering to weed out irrelevant details - Available on ...


... your users, and it will add personalized login information, so it acts as a reminder of their login and password. Misc Proved solution OW2 was originally developed as a software to run Pangea, the Varese civic network, and has been used for a year before being released under the GPL. ...

Information scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of information full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper information script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, information torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!