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Dns Programming scripts

SmartTrix CMS

... with no or very little knowlegde of internet programming. It requires a Webserver with PHP and MySQL support. SmartTrix CMS works on PHP5 with MySQL as database backend and uses Smarty-Template technology to generate the output. Users can choose to use a language selection, to provide a multi-language driven page. Visitor-settings ...


Scriptol is a modern, object-oriented programming language designed to be simple and safe. Scriptol should improve development speed greatly, and make programming a real pleasure. Scriptol is the first programming language to use Xml as dynamic, integrated data-structure. ... light form, with instances. Scriptol is a modern programming language, designed to be simple and easy to ...


... others. Molly is written in PHP, but no programming is necessary to build a Molly-based web site. Molly does all the hard work for you, and works with MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, or any ODBC database. Molly is modular and extendable, and under active development. ...


... code. However these templates are often a simplified programming language, and they may be only slightly less difficult to handle for a webdesigner than a php page. The template system in twais is simplier: the graphical interface is made by html pages or sections and a xml-like file maps tags ...


Simplex-in-PHP are PHP scripts that solve small linear programming and integer linear programming problems executing the simplex method step by step, printing the tableau and drawing the graphical analysis.Useful for students in Operational Research. ...


PHPTracking is a simple PHP application that runs on a webserver, and then at a specified interval (thanks to cron or scheduled tasks or some other scheduling system) it will update the DB with the new records from the access log. The current feature list includes: - Support for GET, POST, ...


... Library for PHP Software Engineers - is an object-oriented programming library written in PHP. ...

PHP Ajax Forms Framework

... with the functionality of desktop ones. Delphi like programming style for PHP using own engine. You define ONLY form HTML and event handlers. No java except 5-6 lines to call XAJAX. ...


Bdns is a system written in PHP to maintain DNS data. It was written to maintain a large intranet DNS data. It includes features that needed to maintain a large set of zones with multiple user accounts.Those features are: - DNS data is kept in an MySQL database: data is available easily with the ...

Ivmuk OS

Ivmuk-OS is small RTOS for microcontrollers with low resources. Microchip's PIC16F877A MCU uses about 70 bytes of RAM and 800 bytes Flash. Memory usage depends on number of tasks and messages defined. This should create competition to Salvo OS some day. Features: - Tasks management. - Messages passing. - ...

Dns Programming scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of dns programming full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper dns programming script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, dns programming torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!