Free vector calculus download - vector calculus script - Top 4 Download

Vector Calculus scripts

Discrete Event Calculus Reasoner

The Discrete Event Calculus Reasoner is an open source program for performing automated commonsense reasoning using the event calculus, a comprehensive and highly usable logic-based formalism. It solves problems efficiently by converting them into satisfiability (SAT) problems. Features: - Comes with 99 examples - Comes with 13-page ...

Matrix vector multiplication

... and 'map', this code shows how a matrix vector multiplication can be reduced to a single loop. ...


Zodius is a fast 2d vector graphics library. It intends to support Flash and SVG type paths including all filling and stroking types. The OO interface is very easy to use and requires little knowledge about graphics. ...

beez svg bezier animator

beez:: is a vector-drawing editor/animator to create SVG animations based on W3C's specifications and Adobe's implementation. The program is completely based on Bezier cubic-interpolated shapes (you now know why it's called so). Even rectangles and ellipses are animatable curves.Create and animate each element (path in SVG terminology) in widescreen. Frames ...

Weighted choice

... search. This script return random samples of cumulative vector (1-D numpy array) c. Each element of array returned is an integer from 0 through n-1, where n is the length of c. ...


Tiny Vector and Matrix template library uses Meta Templates (MT) ... systems."Tiny" is a subjective term, but typically means vectors and matrices of size ten (10) or less.Features: ... - type promotion (for handling Matrices and Vectors of differing types). - works on self ... the expanded expression tree). - Matrices and Vectors with fixed sizes (of course), the data is ...


... class, 'dot' products also apply between matrics and vectors. Two methods, 'CGsolve' and 'biCGsolve', are provided to solve linear systems. ...

IT Library

... The kernel of the IT library are templated vector and matrix classes, and lots of functions for vectors and matrices. Such a kernel makes IT library similar to Matlab . Features: - templated vector and matrix classes - sparse vector and matrix classes - elementary functions on vectors and matrices - matrix decompositions such as ...

EMF to Vector Converter

VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter (EMF2Vector) converts enhanced metafiles (EMF) and Windows ... (Postscript), EPS, SVG, SWF, XPS, HPGL, PCL etc. vector formats while preserving the vector and text information. EMF to Vector Converter is can also convert EMF and WMF ... PCX, PNM, RAS, PBM, TIFF  etc.VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter (EMF2Vector) can be used to batch convert ...

PDF to Vector Converter

... convert from Acrobat PDF files to other scalable vector graphics formats, such as EMF, WMF, SVG, Postscript ... volumes of PDF files in real-time. PDF to Vector Converter is available via an easily integrated COM ... PostScript file EPS Adobe Encapsulated PostScript SVG Scalable Vector Graphics SWF Macromedia Flash File Format XPS Microsoft ...

Vector Calculus scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of vector calculus full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper vector calculus script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, vector calculus torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!