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Sorting scripts

Glossword Glossary Compiler

... Delayed postings. - Virtual keyboards. - Customizable alphabetic sorting. - Customizable visual themes with HTML-templates, CSS style sheets and additional multicolumn rendering mode for the list of terms. - Automatically generated alphabetical index for dictionary. - Export/Import dictionaries in XML and CSV format. - Configurable 2-level cache engine improves productivity ...

GNU Scientific Library

... Special Functions - Vectors and Matrices Permutations Sorting - BLAS Support Linear Algebra Eigensystems - Fast Fourier Transforms Quadrature Random Numbers - Quasi-Random Sequences Random Distributions Statistics - Histograms N-Tuples Monte Carlo Integration - Simulated Annealing Differential Equations Interpolation - Numerical Differentiation Chebyshev ...


... pass messages to external commands - message sorting by multiple criteria - message threading by subject - advanced message searching with regular expressions - can specify patterns (using UNIX regular expressions) to look for in message headers, then take action when a match is found. Each ...


... contents of it indented by a tab. Standard sorting tries to preserve a reasonable sort order derived from the ordering of the input files. ...

MySQL and accessing database results by field

MySQL and accessing database results by field script allows you to access database records returned by a query using the field name. ...


... tools (demolition, road/rail building/removing, scenario editor...) - sorting of most lists based on various criteria (vehicle, station, town, industries, etc.) - mouse wheel can be used to scroll in menus and to zoom in/out. - autoscroll (to left/right) when the mouse is near the edge of the ...


... every singular row in the grid - Sorting Rows can be sorted ascending or descending by clicking on column names - Highlight Rows can be highlighted by onmouseover events - HTML Embedding Rows can contain any kind of HTML in it - Value Editing Users can ...

PCL Converter

... from Windows Explorer and converted fast. - Support sorting on file name when conversion in batch. - Support single file process, single directory process, multi-level directory process and many other process way. - In the case of batch conversion, several document files can be merged to create a single PDF ...

phpMyDataGrid 2007

... a complete AJAX enabled datagrid with paging, searching, sorting and more, much more.It is useful for all PHP database-driven Web site and online-based data administration. It is also useful for dynamic content management and PHP-based hosting providers. Features: - Easy to use: Even the most novice php programer can deploy ...

Rating class with mapping interface

Rating class with mapping interface script deals with items sorted by value and accessed by key or rating index. ...

Sorting scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of sorting full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper sorting script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, sorting torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!