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Php Programming scripts

Ruby like syntactic sugar

Ruby offers very nice language constructs for loops or for iterating over lists like the following: 5.times { print "Hello World" }. This recipe shows how to implement these features in python. ...

PHP Software Updater

... updates more or less automatically from the main programming server or one of its mirrors. Additionally this project provides reference implementation for this specification. As it is mainly developped using php and for php applications, it comes that the communication makes use of base64_encode, base64_decode (which are avaliable on mulitple ...

The Squirrel programming language

... gcc 4.0.0 (x86 64bits) Key features "The Squirrel programming language": · Open Source zlib/libpng license · Dynamic typing · Delegation · Classes & inheritance · Higher order functions · Generators · Cooperative threads(coroutines) · Tail recursion · Exception handling · Automatic memory management (CPU bursts free; mixed approach ref ...


... is an automated grading system for use at programming competitions, especially national informatics olympiads. The interface is AJAX based, with serverside operations being handled by PHP. Grading is done by a separate C grader. ...

Extending Classes

This script contains two implementations for extending an exsisting class using metaclasses. ...

RDF Software Introspector

The Introspector enables the programming tools that deal with source code such as ... and neutral manner reducing the accidental cost of programming. Like a telephone switchboard connects many parties who might wish to talk to each other, the Introspector allows multiple consumers and producers of data about software to quickly ...

Scope qualifier for globals

Scope qualifier for globals script contains the globaliser class that provides a scope qualifier s the glols. ...

Just in time instantiation

JIT is a class for Just In Time instantiation of objects. Init is called only when the first attribute is either get or set. Then automatic delegation is used to front for the object. ...

Right method names suggestion

This script uses __getattr__ to modify the error messages given when a wrong class method is called. It shows the first five ranked most similar method names, followed by the first line of their docstrings (this is useful to see their parameters, if you use this convention in your sources), and ...


... is built entirely using PHP's OOP (Object Oriented Programming) model, allowing the framework code to be easily extended and enhanced. All Harmoni code is documented with PHPDoc inline comments and explained in the manual.While Harmoni is a modular framework of which most any component can be used in a stand-alone ...

Php Programming scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of php programming full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper php programming script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, php programming torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!