RDF Software Introspector

RDF Software Introspector 0.1

RDF Software Introspector 0.1 Download Summary

  • Language: Perl
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: LGPL - GNU Lesser General Public License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 2129
  • Released: Jun 15, 2007

RDF Software Introspector 0.1 Description

The Introspector enables the programming tools that deal with source code such as the compiler to communicate in a standard and neutral manner reducing the accidental cost of programming.

Like a telephone switchboard connects many parties who might wish to talk to each other, the Introspector allows multiple consumers and producers of data about software to quickly and painlessly transfer information to each other.

This data about software, or meta-data is read and written in and out of existing software tools via a standardized plug-in interface.

Each producer has its own flavour of data and format of data that it stores about your software, and the introspector allows for each software to speak it's native language.

The Introspector plug ins act analogous to network cards in an ethernet allowing for broadcasting of the meta-data to the network of consumers.

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