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Language Features scripts


... that easily creates PDF documents from any .NET language. The same drawing routines can be used to ... PDF documents on the fly from any .Net language - Easy to understand object model to compose documents - One source code for drawing on a PDF page as well as in a ...


... open source C extension to the Python programming language which provides basic access to DirectX (9.0c) API, ... DirectX are installed) in order to use DirectPython. Features: - High-performance 3D and 2D rendering - ... - Bump- and environmental mapping - High-level language (HLSL) shaders with shader model 3.0 support ...


... and with a small but very capable scripting language. WebMacro is more effective for rendering web pages ... ASP. WebMacro is a 100% Java open-source template language that enables programmers and designers to work together while promoting the ModelViewController pattern.WebMacro separates concerns about program code from concerns about the way a ...


... VCalendar comes with source code in multiple programming languages: PHP, ASP and ASP.NET (C# and VB.NET); with ... the future. &lotential for adding more technologies d features of VCalendar include: - Localization features, with initial Internationalization in English and Russian, with language selectable by end-users - Dynamic CCS (stylesheet)

Report Manager

... accepting ActiveX controls (Visual Basic,Visual FoxPro,any Visual Studio.Net language...). C dynamic standard library with exported functions is provided to use the engine with any other language like GNU C. The reporting engine includes a ... to Adobe PDF format. Report Manager has many features, including exclusive ones like report libraries,metafile report ,use ...


... to your website. It has all the powerful features you would expect from a professional database application: ... addition and deletion. Moreover, there are many other features that make your application really stand out. Features like foreign keys, full control over the application's appearance and behavior.AppGini generates applications written in PHP language that connect to MySQL databases. Again, you never ...

Localization client

... your site, which is displayed in a foreign language (ie. not the built-in English), *and* you have ... Modules. - Ensure that at least one foreign language is activated on the site. - Make sure that the user roles you would like to give on-page localization access to have "use on-page ...

Povray for python

... framework for making povray files from python programming language. It's good for creating structured/mathematical scenes and animations. ... out on a limb to use povray's SDL language when you can raytrace from the comfort of your favorite python chair?This framework uses all of python's cool OO setattr, getattr, *args, and **kwargs ...


... can use even further.In addition to the usual features such as ordering service, Forum, News, etc. can ... carried by a modular system relatively quickly involved.General Features - Easy installation (including installation routine) - ... rapid development of new modules  - Optional language packs ...


You get: - An actual language that does much database work. - A ... "db_foo" and have it work everywhere. The ORM/QL language is smaller than SQL. It doesn't try to do everything, although it does a fair bit. You may still wind up writing some explicit SQL, but ...

Language Features scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of language features full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper language features script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, language features torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!