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Key Objects scripts


... a module skeleton class). Each module contains form objects, which in turn contain field objects etc. The high level of reuseability that results from this approach shows in the small amount of lines needed to code indidivual modules. ...

Rainbow project

... n-tier architecture Rainbow C# classes extend standard ASP.NET objects providing a consistent method for developing custom pages ... module in IBuySpy is replaced by Rainbow core objects that inherit from ASP.NET's Page. All pages are constructed from dynamically-loaded user controls. Server controls provide clean code/html content separation Uses ADO.NET data access ...

Oracle Database Dashboard

... Using this tool it is possible to examine objects in the databases, monitor running queries and sessions, check out system parameters, etc. Main advantage over other tools is it's simplicity in user-interface (it's web-based without too many tricks and gadgets). ...

simple mysql

... mysql c api without any complicated techniques and objects classes. ...


... dbobj does. It maps the PHP classes and objects to database tables and rows. There are some unique features: - high performance (written in C)  - flexible (extensible)  - clear, object-oriented API (one persistent PHP object - one database record) ...

Simple Modular Access Control List

... libraries have their own data representation of the objects used for permission assign and check. Usually you ... rewrite whole the system to your needs. ACL objects representation in SMACL is based on the same ideas from the phpGACL library. Objects are divided in ACOs, AROs, and AXOs. Each ... an object represents more than a symbolic group, objects with the same type are considered to come ...


... higher level of abstraction for accessing bulletin-board related objects and data. It provides an abstracted persistence layer - based loosely on PEAR::DB - to support multiple database vendors and possibly other forms of persistence in the future (flat file, XML, etc.). Ideally a client application of BuBOL would never need ...


... for php like many those in Java. It converts objects to tables rows and back, so instead of seeing SQL in your code you see objects. ...


... scalar as "int", or literal as "123", are objects and have methods. - typed: the compiler can check for content and type of variables, that is not possible with usually untyped scripting languages. - natural: types are not based on computer's hardware but on human's concepts or mathematical ...

Php Java Bridge

... J2EE Java application server by exchanging Java value objects; the necessary client-stub classes (e.g.: SOAP stubs or EJB client .jar files) can be loaded at run-time. ECMA 335 based classes can be accessed if at least one back end is running inside a ECMA compliant VM, for example Novell's MONO ...

Key Objects scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of key objects full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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