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Javascript Grid scripts

The Exact Age Finder

The Exact Age Finder script allows you to find out precisely how old you are, in various units. The form fields can be changed by editing the appropriate code.The script is compatible with all modern web browsers and can be implemented in any web page or other application. ...


NiftyCube is a JavaScript application that allows creating rounded corners without the need to make corner images.The module also integrates NiftyLayout.InstallationUnpack in your modules folder (usually /sites/all/modules/) and enable under Administer > Site Building > Modules. Requirements: · Drupal 5.x ...


JSINER is a JavaScript library intended to simplify writing OOP in JavaScript which represents alternative JavaScript inheritance approach.It provides support of JavaScript classes hierarhies, automatic resolving and optimizing external scripts ... Lazy inheritance is a design pattern used in JavaScript computer programming. It designates a "postponed linking" of ... and flexibility of OOP based code written using JavaScript. Since lazy inheritance is called only for instance ...

JavaScript Theming

Passing JSON of the data will return themed output. This Enables better support for AJAX rich themes.InstallationUnpack in your modules folder (usually /sites/all/modules/) and enable under Administer > Site Building > Modules. Requirements: · Drupal 6.x ...

Auto clear form element Script

If you have forms on your page that contain default text in them, this is a great time-saving script that makes life easier for your visitors that have to fill them out. The script automatically clears the default text inside the containing form element when the user sets focus on it, ...


ClanFX is an Open Source Javascript Game Engine with the following features: - Single-player RPG with quests, traps/triggers, monsters and puzzles - A 2D tile-based overview (92 different 64x64 pixel tiles) - Currently 30 different maps with over 50 buildings - 100 Animated sprites for NPC's and monsters (4 directions, ...

Javascript BibTeX Editor

It can be used to add, edit, delete and reorder bibliographic references in BibTeX format.InstallationIt can be used by referencing an existing textarea by id or it can be added separately, which will create a new textarea. ...


SHJS (Syntax Highlighting in JavaScript) is a JavaScript program which highlights source code passages in HTML ... Diff - Flex - HTML - Java - JavaScript - LaTeX - Log files - M4 - Makefile - Pascal - ...


PSpecialNavi is a PHP class which creates a JavaScript navigation system.  Because of its dissolve - effect it seems to be a Flash Animation. ...

oyoaha JavaScript and CSS Injection

It must be used together with oyoaha Google Web Toolkit Widgets module or oyoaha Liquid Layout moduleInstallationUnpack in your modules folder (usually /sites/all/modules/) and enable under Administer > Site Building > Modules. Requirements: · Drupal 5.x · Drupal oyoaha Google Web Toolkit Widgets module · Drupal oyoaha Liquid Layout module ...

Javascript Grid scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of javascript grid full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper javascript grid script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, javascript grid torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!