Free email download - email script - page 11 - Top 4 Download

Email scripts

IMAP Migration Tool

This script allows you to move messages from one IMAP server to another, and in addition, you can choose between moving all messages, or just messages older than X weeks old.Features - Users can migrate / archive e-mail from one IMAP server to another. - Users can specify to move only ...


... (e.g. Procmail) to remove potentially nasty attachments from email messages. Basically, it takes input on STDIN, searches for (and possibly removes) MIME attachments with a given filename extension, and pipes the output to the local mailer. Specifically, what distinguishes a taboo attachment from an acceptable one is that the filename ...

RT Request Tracker

... do anything special -- they can just send email to RT. RT will take care of thanking ... up to date. Your existing web browser and email clients are all you need. Platform Independent - RT runs great on Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and most other flavors of Unix. ...

WebMail Java

WebMail is a www-frontend to IMAP/POP3 mailboxes. You can compare it to the systems Hotmail, YahooMail etc use.It allows a user to access his mailbox via the world wide web and do most things other mail programs allow to do, even if he is not sitting on his own personal computer ...


... server interface at o­ne end to talk to email clients and an HTTP client (browser) interface at the other which allows it to talk to Yahoo! The same concept holds good for SMTP as well. ...

MIMEmail Perl

If you want to send HTML mails including images and stylesheets, or want to attach files - this script is for you. Images and files will be included into the mail body and will be sent to the recipient(s). MIME mails (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) can consist of more than just ...


What do you need this script for? Basically, if you just want to send a simple message with plain text and don't want to attach any files to it, you don't need this script. Just use the PHP mail-function. However, if you want to send HTML mails including images and stylesheets, ...

Rainbow project

... that are logged on to the site. Bulk Email Admin Module based on Roles with “black list” feature included.Architectural Features Modern n-tier architecture Rainbow C# classes extend standard ASP.NET objects providing a consistent method for developing custom pages and custom controls. For example, a lot of the drudgery needed to ...


... enabling the user to access, manage and compose email using a standard web browser. However, jwma is ... enable their users to access, manage and compose email using a standard web browser. jwma offers sufficient features, stability and total control over the look and feel.Especially the latter is supported through jwma's ...

Free PHP form mailer script

Add an email form to your website within a minute with ... so that your customers can contact you by email quickly and easily. The script is fully customisable by editing a simple configuration file.The BELLonline mailer form is a simple script that has the following features: - Simple set up ...

Email scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of email full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper email script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, email torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!