wsdlpull 1.19

wsdlpull 1.19 Download Summary

  • Language: C/C++
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: LGPL - GNU Lesser General Public License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 1110
  • Released: Jun 16, 2008

wsdlpull 1.19 Description

wsdlpull is a C web services client library. It includes a WSDL Parser,a XML Schema parser and validator and an XML Parser and serializer.

wsdlpull uses the xml pull api to parse a WSDL1.1 document. This makes wsdlpull highly efficient which is why you can process and invoke a WSDL in no time.

The Web service Invocation API allows you to dynamically inspect and invoke a web service. Unlike other toolkits there is no need to generate stubs or type serializers.

You can use the dynamic invocation API to write your own web service clients in one step. Writing a web service client involves providing the WSDL URL,setting the operation,the input types and getting back the results.

No knowledge of SOAP is needed to write a web service client using wsdlpull. The invocation API is quite protocol independent and focusses on presenting a simple and intutive interface and abstracts away protocol specific details.

wsdlpull comes with a generic web service invocation tool wsdl which uses the above API. Both the API and the tool are very dynamic and allow invocation of WSDLs which have complex types and simple types in the schema.Using the wsdl tool you can invoke complex web services from command line without writing any code.

The WSDL parser provides APIs to access various WSDL elements such as operations, messages, bindings, port types.Although wsdlpull is based on the pull parsing style of xml parsing the API is meant to be semantically as close as possible to the standard API for parsing WSDL,namely WSDL4J.

The schema parser and validator provides an API for parsing XSD schema documents and validating their xml instance documents. The schema parser is used to parse the types section of the WSDL document. The schema tool can be used for many purposes such as validating schemas and accessing REST services.

The Xml parser and serializer provide a C implementation of the XML Pull API. WSDL processing, XSD schema processing,sending and receiving SOAP messages use the parser and serializer.

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