Sglib 1.0.4

Sglib 1.0.4 Download Summary

  • Language: C/C++
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: GPL - GNU Public License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 536
  • Released: Jun 21, 2007

Sglib 1.0.4 Description

Sglib is a library defining useful macros for manipulating common data structures. The library currently provides generic implementation for:
- sorting arrays
- manipulating linked lists
- manipulating sorted linked lists
- manipulating double linked lists
- manipulating red-black trees
- manipulating hashed containers
A basic set of functions (macros) is provided for each data structure. They cover insertion, deletion, search and iterator traversal of elements. Moreover, additional (specific) functions are provided for each data structure, such as, concatenation, reverse or sort for lists.

Sglib provides algorithms, not data structures. Algorithms implemented in Sglib operate on user's types, for example, list macros are operational for any data structure containing a pointer to the same type.

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