OpenTaxSolver (OTS) is a free program for calculating Tax Form entries and tax-owed or refund-due, such as Federal or State personal income taxes.
Two optional graphical front-ends exist, OTS_GUI and OTS_tclgui-0.0. TaxSolver has been updated for the most recent 2006 tax-year for: US 1040 and Schedules A, B, C, & D, and State-Taxes for California, North Carolina, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, and New York.
Similar coverage was attained for 2006 as in previous years, except the Canadian and Ontario forms have not yet been updated.
- mke tax preparation software available for all platforms.
- Provide insight into how our taxes are calculated in clear unambiguous equations/code, that can be
- easily diff'd from year-to-year to understand what changed.
- Avoid invasive, bloated commercial software packages.
- Avoid rewriting our own individual programs or spread-sheets each year by combining efforts.
- Provide a simple reliable tax-package requiring only rudimentary knowledge to maintain.
Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Open Source Tax Solver 4.07 script from the developer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.
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