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Xml Programming scripts

A meta class that provides behavior like Ruby

This script brings a Ruby-like class behavior. When a class is declared, it extends the old class if the class name exists already. ...

A queue for string data

This script is a queue data structure, for string data only, which looks like a File object. This class takes care of the list.append and .join mess, which is needed for fast string concatenation. ...

A SAX filter for normalizing text events

SAX parser can report contiguous text using multiple characters events. This is often unexpected and can cause obscure bugs or require complicated adjustments to SAX handlers. By inserting text_normalize_filter into the SAX handler chain all downstream parsers are ensured that all text nodes in the document Infoset are reported as a ...

A simple date class

This script can be used by anyone who wants a date object for a program. The code was written as a help for someone trying to do the same thing in C . ...

A tidy property idiom

This script suggests an idiom for property creation that avoids cluttering the class space with get/set/del methods that will not be used directly. Using thel methods idiom to create properties unnecessarily clutters the class space with get/set/del methods that will not be called directly by users of your class (although, of course, ...


This script has a base Factory class that is meant to be subclassed and then define a default implementation to return, as well as module's to search for the class implementation. ...


... but instead of using Basic/C# or Java as programming language, it bases C as core implementation language. ACDK implements the standard library packages, including acdk::lang, acdk::lang::reflect, acdk::util, acdk::io, acdk::text (including regexpr), acdk::net, acdk::sql, acdk::xml and more. Today's technologies like flexible allocator/garbage collection, threading and Unicode are implemented in the core ...

Active Agenda

Active Agenda is a community developed software application for operational risk management (OpRisk). Active Agenda consists of more than eighty (80) integrated modules which help companies to manage and reduce risk and related costs. Active Agenda is an open source software development project open to the international community. Active Agenda is, ...

ActiveLink PHP XML Package

ActiveLink PHP XML Package provides an easy interface to parse, read, modify, and output XML and XML documents. ActiveLink PHP XML Package is purely implemented in PHP and does not require any PHP XML extensions (including xml or domXML). Provided classes are: XML, XMLDocument, XMLBranch, XMLLeaf, RSS, Tag, Tree, Branch, Leaf, ...

AdWords API

... help you manage accounts Multi-Language CompatibilityTo make your programming environment even easier, the AdWords API SOAP interface supports a growing number of languages - including Java, .NET, Perl, PHP, Python, OCAML, Ruby and XML. ...

Xml Programming scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of xml programming full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper xml programming script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, xml programming torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!