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Web Traffic scripts


AerFM is a php/AJAX based file manager.This aplication is dedicated to manage the filesystem of a webserver via web interface. It is a PHP/AJAX based application and works only with Firefox 1.5. ...


Agatha is a web based mp3 playing system that allows the home user or office group to stream music, create, manage and share play lists and control the playing of music on a remote system. Agatha needs no database. ...


Agora is a web-based, threaded discussion tool. It is *fast*, very intuitive to use, was beta-tested by more than a hundred people, and is now totaly stable. Agora remembers each user's preferences, and allows unread-only browsing, like a usenet-news system. It offers the ability to manage several different groups, with different forums ...

AJAX Chat Script

AJAX Chat is a free and fully customizable open source web chat software implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. Sound support is implemented using Flash, Socket support using Flash on client-side and Ruby on server-side. AJAX Chat integrates nicely with phpBB, MyBB, PunBB, SMF, vBulletin and other PHP community software. Features: ...

Ajax CMS Environment

Ajax CMS Environment: is a Content Management System meant for the development of Web sites. It's based on ajax to obtain a very dynamic content. A PHP-ACE characteristic is that it allows a visitor to modify a form  directly on the site in its navigator. ...

Ajax File Manager

This is a web/php/javascript/ajax file manager that allows create, delete and rename files and directories located in a server. The xajax library is used.This script is very easy to install, use and customize to suit your needs. ...


AjaxAC is an open-source framework written in PHP, used to develop/create/generate AJAX applications. The fundamental idea behind AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) is to use the XMLHttpRequest object to change a web page state using background HTTP sub-requests without reloading the entire page. It is released under the terms of the ...


AjaxFTP is a flexible widget to incorporate into your web 2.0 app to allow FTP access through a browser.AjaxFTP lets you browse, upload, and download files from remove servers using only Javascript and PHP. It is built with customization in mind. ...


akaDAV is a Python module that adds WebDAV functionality to the Twisted 1.3. It makes WebDAV server application programming easy in Python. Features: - Integrated with a built-in Web server (Twisted Web). - Easy installation / configuration. - SSL support by default. - Automatic character encoding conversion for ...

AldoContent CMS

AldoContent CMS is an Open Source content management system designed with simplicity in mind for both authors and web designers. AldoContent design is focused on usability and freedom for web page designers. Its operation is based on XHTML templates and Cascading Style Sheets, allowing the web designer apply all his creativity. ...

Web Traffic scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of web traffic full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper web traffic script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, web traffic torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!