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Web Developement scripts

Apache Hourly Stats

Apache Hourly Stats starts like an excesively simple PHP script which generates an HTML report from an Apache access_log file. The statistics it provides are mainly unique IP adresses per hour and per day. ...

Apache Server htaccess

This is a remake of David Watkins .htaccess that gives better protection to web directories.Could be placed in any directory that you only wish to be access from your own domain(s).Doesn't affect 'include' neither 'require' statmments. have added: DirectoryIndex default.phpso that with most people that have there servers setup for index.php or ...

App Log

Storing and retrieving any logs can be accessed through an URL address. ...


AppGini is a program that helps you develop web database applications rapidly. You do not need to have any programming background to use it. Just define your database, set some options, click the Generate button, and ... that's it! You will then have a very professional web database application ready for ...

apPHPXM Tuner

This is a web-based tuner for XM Radio Online. It is coded in PHP, so its user interface should be platform-independent. The goal is to allow users to play the music stream in any player of their choice. ...

Application Server for PHP

PAS, Application Server for PHP, breaks down Web application in small XML and PHP files. Features : - code reuse, - packaging, - database abstraction, - easy integration with IDEs, - apply M.V.C. patern (separate business logic and front end GUI). ...


Readers can access these items without leaving the page, providing them with a more meaningful web experience.This module automatically links the code necessary to run with Drupal Nodes. Once a content publisher has an Apture account, they can contextually link media to key terms they select on a page. The assets ...

Aquarium PHP

Aquarium is an open source text filtering package written in PHP. It filters nearly all four-letter words, profanities, curses, and pornographic language from any text, while filtering nearly no benign words. Aquarium can keep your blog, forum, guestbook or other dynamic application clean and suitable for all ages.Aquarium has a number ...


Argiope is a set of php modules and classes that you can use for free to build dynamic websites. Argiope uses an architecture called Arcadia to process web requests. Because the Arcadia architecture is completely modular, you can change particular elements on your website without having to change everything. The code is compatible ...

Ariadoss PMS

Ariadoss PMS is an easy to use PHP/MySQL project management system/hotel management software/booking system/central reservation system (CRS). It provides you a dynamic program for the management of various facets of hotels of all sizes through a secure web interface. ...

Web Developement scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of web developement full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper web developement script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, web developement torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!