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Visitor Chat scripts


Scow (Simple Chat On Web) offers the simpliest solution to add IM functionnality to a website.Scow is a web-based chat written in PHP, with Ajax functionnality (but not ... server. Typically a command is used to clear chat historic or to join an other chan. Unrecognized ... error. The entire message is send  to the chat and appear to other users. ...

SmartTrix CMS

... language selection, to provide a multi-language driven page. Visitor-settings (such as themes and language) are stored in a Cookie. Most of the important core-modules are written in OOP-PHP (or also called PHP classes).A two layer CSS layout enables the user to create it’s own color-scheme without breaking the layout itself. ...


Molly is an open source system and architecture that allows web site developers to build dynamic web sites using simple HTML and MAML (Molly Active Markup Language) tags. Molly can be used to build web communities, content management systems, and portals. Simple MAML tags implement several features that facilitate the development ...


PhpMyLogon is a login system, which is pretty complete. The loginsystem is written in the PHP-language, and will only run on webservers with PHP-support. The system can be used on websites to secure some pages of the website, so they can only be displayed when the user (visitor of the website) ...

PHP Direct Connect bot library

... , DCGUI etc.). It supports private messaging, main chat and interception of search terms. ...


OxyShout is an advanced PHP/mySQL shoutbox which lets users post small messages instantly on a website. It has comprehensive anti-abuse features. ...


PircS is a PHP based IRC bot that logs channel statistics to an SQL backend and parses that data to generate text and graph representations of the channel traffic and events. ...


... webmaster and other people with a PHP based chating system. This chat system is based on textfile using standard HTML coding, so access throught different interfaces (such as flash, WAP) is easy. ...


The xiffian project is a chat application made in ActionScript (flash) using a jabber (jabberd, jive...) server and the XIFF Library.The main advantage is to be made in ActionScript, which permits you to put on your website, to be an open source project, and users (90% have Flash on their ...

Program E

Program E is an AIML chatterbot written in PHP and using MySQL. It's composed ... adheres to the AIML 1.0.x specification and several chat interfaces: HTML, Flash and XML-R. ...

Visitor Chat scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of visitor chat full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper visitor chat script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, visitor chat torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!