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Spreadsheet Read scripts

FileMetadata NET control

... metadata modifications.FileMetadata.NET advanced features: - Includes methods to read and write metadata value as FileStream. - ... methods to copy metadata. - Supports to read and write metadata value as string in any encoding. Requirements: · NTFS file system. · .NET Framework 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 or ...

ImageProperties NET control

ImageProperties .NET control reads and writes a comprehensive range of meta data ... of the EXIF data and offers methods to read and write data in friendly format.Control includes own ... length and description.ImageProperties.NET features: - Allows to read, modify or delete existing properties and to add ... thumbnail of image without hard image proccessing -just read thumbnail property. - Includes VB.NET and C# ...


... help make test images for testing applications that read PNG files. ...

Ajax instant edit

... When the text field is blurred, it will read the contents, and starts a XMLHttpRequest and ‘sends’ the content fieldname any set vars to an update file. That file will update your database, and reply with the newly set text and the textfield will dissapear again. This is a very ...

PHP Gift Registry

The PHP Gift Registry is a web-enabled gift registry intended for use among a circle of family members or friends. It is intended to fill the following purposes: - Permit the long-term storage of a list of items one desires, along with its price, where it can be bought, and ...


PHPaint is intended for the easy creation, editing, and previewing of "buttons" for web pages. The hope is to greatly ease the Web Developer's task of creating "buttons" for web pages, allowing them to move on to more important tasks. If you are trying to build a web "frontend" to a ...

Winamp iPod Plugin

... - holding Shift while connecting puts iPod into read-only mode - database writing only during eject ...

Smart Cache

... or other junk inside stored files. There are ready for use. - Directory structure of cached ... requirements for download manager. Any program which can read queue from plain text file can be used. - Can hook into specific URL masks. - URL Masks can have several types: ...

Sendmail Logcheck PHP

... webservers like apache etc. don't have permission to read the sendmail logfile. You could copy the logfile into a password-protected directory within your webserver's document root, and change the permissions so that your webserver can access this file.Then, use the LOGCHECK-class with this file. For security reasons, you should not ...


... and files for which PHP has at least read permission; if you want to upload, edit, rename or delete files, or change file permissions*, PHP must also have write permission for these files or directories. FileManager can be used as a stand-alone software, but it's also easy to integrate it ...

Spreadsheet Read scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of spreadsheet read full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper spreadsheet read script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, spreadsheet read torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!