Free spreadsheet calculations download - spreadsheet calculations script - Top 4 Download

Spreadsheet Calculations scripts

Views Calc

... fields in a row, or perform the same calculations on selected columns. The calculations are displayed in a different table cell displayed ... is themed in order to look like a spreadsheet.InstallationUnpack in your modules folder (usually /sites/all/modules/) and enable ...

Simple Spreadsheet

Simple Spreadsheet is a web-based spreadsheet program written in Javascript, HTML, CSS and PHP. It features formulas, charts, numeric formats, keyboard navigation, etc. Javascript is used for the default data format and for the macros and formulas. Functionality: - ...


... interactive calculator which provides for easy large numeric calculations, but which also can be easily programmed for difficult or long calculations. It can accept a command line argument, in which case it executes that single command and exits.Otherwise, it enters interactive mode. In this mode, ...

Probe Deeper PHP

Probe Deeper PHP will provide class libraries for simple and advanced statistical analyses, including multiple regression, forecasting, hypotheses testing, etc. ...

Accepting Four Points in 2 space

Photographic document images are often rotated, if only slightly. This code mediates an input of a series of four points--assumed to be the corners of a rectangular document--in any order, as mouse clicks.Then it determines the orientation of the points and calculates a "quality" value, as an indication to the user ...


... (odt) to Word - Excel to OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ods); OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ods) to Excel - PowerPoint to OpenDocument ... Any format to PDF - OpenDocument (Text, Spreadsheet, Presentation) to PDF - Word to PDF; ...

GPSTk Library

... of week, and many others. - Ephemeris calculations. Position and clock interpolation for both broadcast and precise ephemerides. - Atmospheric delay models. Includes ionosphere and troposphere models. - Position solution. Includes an implementation of a Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring algorithm. - Mathematics. Includes Matrix and Vector ...

Editable JavaScript TreeGrid

... components are tree capability, advanced cell formulas and calculations like in MS Excel, various paging types to ... and export to Microsoft Excel or any other spreadsheet program that can handle XLS files or HTML tables. TreeGrid is also very fast to display and control. EJS TreeGrid of course supports all ...


... create, modify, read and save documents (Writer, Spreadsheet, Drawing). Also, you can export these documents in various formats, like PDF or HTML for example. ...


Inside Kalculator you can write complete math expression which is then evaluated. You can also see the history for expressions already entered. Variables are also supported, so you can type "a = 0x0fc12 23" and then "b = a pi" for example. pi and e are the only vars built in.Around ...

Spreadsheet Calculations scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of spreadsheet calculations full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper spreadsheet calculations script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, spreadsheet calculations torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!