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Objects Coupling scripts

Model MBean Instrumentor

... Instrumentor is a Java module for automatic instrumentation of objects of arbitrary classes as JMX Model MBeans. Simply by passing an object to the JMX Instrumentor, appropriate JMX ModelMBeanInfo will be created and the object registered as an MBean. The JMX Model MBean Instrumentor project will provide two packages: The Reflection ...


... lighting) - Innovative Behaviors system for defining how objects work in a flexible way - Physics engine for realistic object behavior - Place object on different layers for organising display, parallaxing, or whole-layer effects - also freely zoom individual layers in and out with high detail - Debugger giving you ...

SmartClient Framework

... via XML or JavaScript, and exist as JavaScript objects that manage presentation automatically. Using standard object-oriented approaches, you can extend, customize and create new SmartClient components without ever learning low-level Ajax techniques or doing cross-browser testing and debugging. Ajax MVC (like Struts for Ajax) Going beyond just widgets, SmartClient provides ...


... handlers as well as HTML elements or JavaScript objects as Ajax response objects. Multiple elements and/or objects may be updated as the result of one ...

PfP Studio

... is also a tool for developing new PfP objects - the PfP studio. ...

sierra php

... to automatically generate the data access and value objects (DAOs and VOs) used to provide CRUD (create, ... based CRUD AJAX services, create database indexes, localize objects using properties files, and much more. - Authentication: provides a declarative approach for defining HTTP-based application authentication and access restrictions. LDAP, database and ...


... within very lightweight and easy to use Java objects which follow the "builder" paradigm (similar to StringBuilder). This changes many common SQL syntactical, runtime errors into Java compile-time errors! Let's dive right in to some quick examples to to see how it all works. ...


COWeb, Common Objects for Web Libraries is a set of php tools to manage databases, links, images, articles, cache and more.All codes are very easy to implement in your own applications. ...

JavaScript User Interfaces

... graphical OS-like Dynamic HTML , or DHTML , objects such as windows, popup menus, taskbars, etc. You can easily develop javascript based objects using this library. The code output is compatible with all modern web browsers. ...


... means Java-formed Javascript,namely creating a series of Javascript objects similar to API of J2SE and J2EE and other opensource projects.With advanced Javascript objects,you may build complex web client business logic. JsJava is an excellent Javascript library.In fact it's more than a Javascript library and it's also a ...

Objects Coupling scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of objects coupling full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper objects coupling script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, objects coupling torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!