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Object Oriented Tests scripts

mod cplusplus

This code easily implements object oriented apache-2.0 handlers with C including all the standard ... phases and filtering phases are exposed cleanly through object oriented method invocations. - The core structures (e.g. request_rec) are objectified to encapsulate functionality and provide a clean api. - Because mod_cplusplus only instanciates your objects once per server, you can easily cache re-used ...


ColdStore is a gigabyte-scale persistent object store which provides: - Extent-based allocation (for maximal ... - Chaos, designed to provide low-level access to objects and regression testing of the store and its application classes. - A C like language - Freon, which has some extremely novel interpretation techniques (no stack, ...

PHP Reusable Web Framework rwfPHP

... Reusable Web Framework (rwfPHP) is a set of Object Oriented classes that allow development of Object Oriented Event driven web applications. You can speed development ...

Force verbose mode for unittests in an IDE

When running unit tests, using the verbose flag often provides an extra ... of drawbacks. This code will ensure that your tests will run with the verbose option. ...


This script has a base Factory class that is meant to be subclassed and then define a default implementation to return, as well as module's to search for the class implementation. ...

Yet another Set class for Python

This script is a pure Pythonic implementation of a set class. The syntax and methods implemented are, for the most part, borrowed from PEP 218. ...

PEL PHP Exif Library

... old tags can be updated. - Extensible object-oriented design. PEL utilizes the new features in PHP ... with SimpleTest (11 camera models tested, plus core tests). - Fully documented with PhpDocumentor - Supports internationalisation. ...

Get attributes of an object in MS Active Directory

... what attributes are available to you for an object in active directory. You cannot ask the object directly for that, instead you need to use the schema of the object. All of this is done with python's COM ...


Interfaces script deals with the Interface concept in Python. ...


... of ACDK. The especial frameworks for automated unit tests and logging helps to build applications for productive environment. With the extensions of ACDK C objects are available for reflection and introspection (extended runtime ... level known from Java/C#), class loader, serialization, aspect oriented class attributes (also known as class annotations) and ... [M]ethod [I]nvocation. This DMI act as an universal object oriented call interface to connect C , COM, ...

Object Oriented Tests scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of object oriented tests full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper object oriented tests script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, object oriented tests torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!