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Key Objects scripts

Gnome Flow

... relaxation method, and can calculate flows past symmetric objects.Steady state means, that it calculates the flow at a given time, and that the physical parameters are constant in time. Requirements: · gnomelibs · gnomeui-libs · gdk-pixbuf ...

C like iostream syntax in Python

... proof-of-concept of an ostreams-like interface wrapping around file-like objects, included a demonstration of manipulators.Although theation of treams ... quite easy to make a wrapper around file-like objects that behaves like the C ostreams'  insertion operator ... quite easy to make a wrapper around file-like objects that behaves like the C ostreams' insertion operator ...

Zip and Pickle

... saves and reloads compressed representations of generic Python objects to and from the disk. ...

Iterating through large file like objects

... begging to be used...In Python 2.3, while file objects now support this sort of single-line iteration, not all file-like objects do. For example, using the for-in construction with sys.stdin still causes sys.stdin to read in everything before the for-loop begins iteration. Using the iterfile ...


... libraries that don't let you create and finalize objects yourself, but force you to use a callback. Having no way to use a try...finally, and needing to reference (but hopefully not rebind) local variables, a decorator like the one in this recipe could help. ...

z directory

... a memory-based directory copier and paster. Pickled Directory objects will contain all data from a directory at path and can be saved in other locations.Once a Directory object has been created, pasting it to another location is ex has beenimple. ...

Marshal unicode strings with PyXML

If you want to serialize Python objects to XML then PyXML is a good choice. Except in the case when unicode strings come into play. In this case generic.Marshaller().dump() throws an ugly AttributeError: Marshaller instance has no attribute 'm_unicode' .This script extends both PyXML Marshaller and Unmarshaller to support the ...

Rendering Arbitrary Objects with CherryPy

Rendering Arbitrary Objects with CherryPy script shows an implementation of Rendering Arbitrary Objects with Nevow using CherryPy. ...


... enhance the program by adding accessibility to its objects. It can save a developer much time by providing a broad range of drawing routines and ready-to-use event capable object types. The developer can focus on the main tasks instead of taking care about needed low-level components, which are given to ...

Module For Running Simple Proxies

... provides a single class that can build proxy objects capable of being both started and stopped. ...

Key Objects scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of key objects full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper key objects script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, key objects torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!