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Grade Checking scripts

Disable WordPress Core Update

WordPress is prevented from checking for updates, and update notifications are prevented from being displayed in the admin area.InstallationUnpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. Requirements: · WordPress 2.3 or higher ...


... features tag substitution, page ordering, and 'make'-like dependency checking. ...

Email Post Activation

wp-mail.php using is called through a cron job, or loaded by including a hidden iframe in your blog footer. InstallationUnpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. Requirements: · WordPress 1.5 or higher ...

Cookies for Comments

When a browser loads that stylesheet a cookie is dropped on the user machine. If the user then leaves a comment the cookie is checked. If it doesn't exist the comment is marked as spam.InstallationCopy into your plugins folder and activate. If you are using a caching plugin such as WP ...

Anonymous WordPress Plugin Updates

The plugins list, the blog url and WordPress version are prevented from being transmitted during the update process.InstallationUnpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. Requirements: · WordPress 2.3 or higher ...

Spell Checker Brian Dupuis

It can also check the spelling of comments. InstallationUnpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. Requirements: · WordPress ...

OG Gradebook

Grade viewing is restricted based on group membership.InstallationUnpack in your modules folder (usually /sites/all/modules/) and enable under Administer > Site Building > Modules. Requirements: · Drupal 5.x · Drupal Organic Groups module ...


PyEphem provides scientific-grade astronomical computations for the Python programming language. Given a date and location on the Earth's surface, it can compute the positions of the Sun and Moon, of the planets and their moons, and of any asteroids, comets, or earth satellites whose orbital elements the user can provide.Additional functions ...

Contact Form

... an external form. - Server side validity checking of all data before email is sent. - Optional client side validity checking of all data before the form is submitted. - A default configuration that requires only a list of email addresses to be ready ...

RoundCube Webmail

... address book, folder manipulation, message searching and spell checking. RoundCube Webmail is written in PHP and requires ... - Searching messages and contacts - Spell checking - Advanced user interface - Unlimited users and messages - Complete customization with skins ...

Grade Checking scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of grade checking full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper grade checking script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, grade checking torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!