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Generator scripts

Tree Perl

This script walks through a directory and builds a HTML list of all files. The files' title tags are taken as the linked text, and if there is no title tag, the filename is used. ...

DS BGLight

... light over the background. It includes a HTML code generator that allows to change parameters without any knowledge of JavaScript and HTML programming. ...

PHP Easy Button

PHP Easy Button is a PHP script that allow you to make buttons without using different image for each button.Example: You don't need 10 images for 10 buttons! Just insert with the text an with the text and the link you want and more options! ...

Merging two sorted iterators

... two iterators into a single iterator. It uses generators, and guarantees constant memory use. ...

Crazy Funky Freaky Music Machine

It can create RSS feeds for streaming mp3s or other audio files.These feeds can also be accessed by a Playstation Portable. ...


Gcal is a program for calculating and printing calendars. Gcal displays hybrid and proleptic Julian and Gregorian calendar sheets, respectively for one month, three months, or a whole year. It also displays eternal holiday lists for many countries around the globe, and features a very powerful creation of fixed date liststhat ...


Captcher is a PHP script that generates and verifies captchas. Captchas are images designed to prevent automated scripts from submitting web forms, and are used to prevent spamming via email forms and online forums, and other such problems. Captcher generates captcha images on the fly, and thus does not need to ...


Siggen is an email signature generator for encrypted ansi c and brainf*ck signatures. You could use it in combination with vi(m), emacs, mutt and pine.USAGE: siggen [SIGNATURE]    -c COMMENT   : type your comment without comment tags;                   ; comment tags are '//','/*' and '*/' (ANSI_C only;                   ; default: ...


... a simple, free, extensible and open source data generator released under the GPL license. It is currently ... with many features (database, xml and more).The data generator has built-in support for a number of simple ... - emails Although having as many data type generators is nice, it is not the primary goal ...


... free alternative to and analog of the Macromedia Generator. It supports most of the Macromedia Generator features, uses the same data format, the same ... and emulates its behavior. Designers use the Macromedia Generator authoring extensions (Generator Objects) to create templates that ... not provide all the functionality which the Macromedia Generator does, it will do it shortly. It emulates ...

Generator scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of generator full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper generator script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, generator torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!