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Cms Tool scripts

ajax spell

ajax-spell application is an AJAX spell checker for text areas using PHP, Javascript, and pspell / aspell. It is very easy to customize and can be used in many ways for text areas. ...


AjaxCore is an open source PHP framework that aims the ease development of rich AJAX applications, using Prototype's JavaScript standard library.This means it uses Prototype as the core for making the AJAX requests, as it's proven to be reliable on any browser, plus adding all Prototype's features and shortcuts that reduce ...


AjaxFTP is a flexible widget to incorporate into your web 2.0 app to allow FTP access through a browser.AjaxFTP lets you browse, upload, and download files from remove servers using only Javascript and PHP. It is built with customization in mind. ...

Akorn RDS

The Akorn RDS is an OS, browser, and database independent application infrastructure written in PHP that enables the rapid construction of robust secure applications. It includes customizable CSS based interface, PDF reporting, and much more. ...

Alarm Clock Javascript

With the help of this script one can avail of a simple alarm feature with a provision for typing any particular message to display when the alarm goes off. Just type the hour, minute, whether AM or PM, and the message under the given text boxes, after which the 'Set Alarm' ...

AldoContent CMS

... system and replaced with text, images or user tools. - The system is designed to publish ... possible the content internationalization giving the authors the tools for editing pages in different languages and storing it. - With LiveIMG manages sets of images which are positioned in the templates using ...


Alerttail executes actions when "some text" has been written to a file.This software tails a file and when a line matches some text pattern alerttail will execute a list of actions defined on it's own configuration file.Imagine you want to be warned when some text is written to a log file, ...


Alfresco offers a true Open Source Enterprise Content Management (ECM) - Document Management, Collaboration, Records Management, Knowledge Management, Web Content Management and Imaging. Alfresco uses best-of-breed Open Source technologies such as Spring, Hibernate, Lucene, modern standards such as JSR-168, JSR-170, Web Services, Java Server Faces and contributions from the open source community ...


AlphaMail is an accelerated web mail interface with a C middleware layer that is more effective than an IMAP proxy which is a highly scalable (10k users). The interface includes modern features, Section 508 compliance, and universal browser support. ...


It is currently in testing, subsequent releases are gonna be incompatible with the previous ones. ...

Cms Tool scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of cms tool full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper cms tool script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, cms tool torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!